Entry process and initial details for the GB Cup, the ‘DEU Championships’, which will take place on the 27th April 2025.
The 2025 GB Cup, the ‘DEU Championships’, takes place at the EIS Sheffield on the 27th April 2025. The Championships weekend also includes the following events:
Eligibility and Membership Criteria
New for 2025, the GB Cup eligibility criteria has been refreshed. Further information can be found here. In line with the British Senior Championships, there is a window for eligible fencers at the top of the ranking list to enter, followed by open entry (where fencers meet the below requirements).
The eligibility requirements have been updated for 2025 as follows:
Weapon | Number of Top Eligible Fencers Spaces Reserved in 1st Entry Window
(e.g. Top eligible fencers on the intermediate ranking list) |
Total Entry Limit |
Men’s Epee | 20 | 28 |
Men’s Foil | 20 | 28 |
Men’s Sabre | 20 | 28 |
Women’s Epee | 20 | 28 |
Women’s Foil | 20 | 28 |
Women’s Sabre | 20 | 28 |
Entry Timeline
Qualification through Regional Qualifiers
Regions and Home Nations will continue to run intermediate and DEU events that contribute to intermediate rankings or ratings which in turn will allow fencers to be eligible for the GB Cup.
The following regions are running a GB Cup qualifier:
Regions may also accept recreational memberships to enter their GB Cup qualifier. If a fencer finishes in a qualifying position (top two eligible fencers) and has a recreational membership, BF will upgrade their membership to Compete level to allow entry to the GB Cup on the 27th April. The fencer will then be responsible for the payment of the Compete membership at the time of the next renewal.
Where fencers who hold a recreational membership are taking part in the qualifiers, they will not receive intermediate ranking points (the ability to gain ranking points and appear on BF Ranking lists is a Compete membership benefit). However, all Compete members taking part in the qualifier will be eligible for intermediate ranking points where regions send in their results to BF.
Eligible fencers in the first entry window (top 20 on the ranking list) who are also competing in their regional event can enter the GB Cup before their qualifier. If they finish in a qualifying position at the qualifier, the next eligible fencer will be invited as part of the regional qualification spaces.
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