Today we’re wishing happy birthday to This Girl Can, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Muslim Girls Fence was featured as part of the campaign in 2023.
Created in January 2015 in response to the gender activity gap, This Girl Can is celebrating its 10th anniversary. This Girl Can is Sport England’s flagship campaign, supported with £30 million by The National Lottery. It has helped to transform the lives of women and girls by empowering them to take part in physical activity. Eight in ten women have said that it has boosted their confidence to get active.
In 2023, Muslim Girls Fence – a project collaboration between Maslaha and BF – was featured as part of This Girl Can’s campaign. The campaign, focusing on the ‘enjoyment gap’, highlighted the barriers faced by women when getting active, in particular safety, fear of judgement and the cost of living. Muslim Girls Fence was one of the four case studies, focusing the ‘Social’ action area identified by This Girl Can.
Muslim Girls Fence aims to facilitate spaces at a grassroots level for Muslim girls and women to challenge assumptions and narratives relating to their gender, racial, religious and other identities through both physical and creative methods.
Read more about Muslim Girls Fence’s involvement in This Girl Can here.
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