Details of GBR administration and charges for new EFC Fencing for Everyone events for U20s and U23s.
The EFC Fencing For Everyone is a new competition circuit consisting of four new events per season organised by the European Fencing Confederation, targeted at U20s and U23s. (N.B. Unlike the previous U23 EFC circuit, seniors cannot enter the Fencing For Everyone events, and participation numbers are restricted. All athletes need to be U23).
Alongside the individual event, there is a team event—one team per nation—in which at least two U20 athletes must participate.
Anyone wishing to attend these events (irrespective of nomination status and the number of referees required) will be charged a GBR administration fee and a GBR referee contribution. This season, the administration fee is £15.50, and the referee contribution is £80, with nominated events including a charge for support staff as laid out below.
As announced previously, BF is nominating a subset of these FFE competitions for Junior, U23, or both. This means that selection announcements will be posted, and results will count for GBR qualifying standards for major events (Euros/Worlds) in the nominated age category.
The administration (and the associated charges) for these events will differ slightly from the Junior World Cup administration therefore, any athlete that is selected should read this carefully before accepting their place:
For all FFE events – BF’s GBR Support team will:
This means for a non-nominated event, where there are no late entries or withdrawals) athletes should expect to pay a £15.50 admin fee and an £80 referee contribution (24-25 charges).
For the nominated events – BF – GBR Support will:
Unlike Junior World Cups and Major Events, BF will NOT book hotel rooms for athletes attending FFE events whether the events are nominated or not.
This is partly due to the large number of athletes attending and the availability of hotels that can accommodate a full GBR U20 and U23 squad.
The options for nominated events are as follows:
Option 1. Book directly into the nominated squad hotel (athletes and personal coaches only, no parents).
Option 2. Book directly into an alternative hotel (athletes, personal coaches, and parents), ensuring that you are close enough to attend any squad meetings at the squad hotel if necessary.
Irrespective of where athletes and personal coaches stay, the GBR Code of Conduct applies at all times in the hotels, and the venue and performance standards are expected to be adhered to. For the avoidance of doubt, the consumption of alcohol by athletes and coaches is not permitted.
More Information – Checklists:
As a reminder, as for all EFC competitions, all athletes must:
For FFE Competitions where a GBR squad is competing:
More details regarding international travel responsibilities can be found here.
If you have any questions about this post, please submit them via the form here, and a member of the ADP team will contact you.
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Disclaimer: This news post does not form a contract between BF and an athlete, personal coach, or parent. Charges and contributions may be subject to change due to changes in the rules, the international fencing calendar, or risk assessments.