Incident Management Panel
Last Updated: 01/07/2024
As part of the published Incident Management Procedures an Incident Management Panel (IMP) can be called to bring together staff to review and make decisions on how to manage a live incident.
The procedures lay out the occasions where a panel must be called.
Irrespective of the procedures an IMP may be called at any time by the Welfare Officer, the BF Safeguarding Lead and BF Director or the most senior BF staff member present in a situation.
Prior to meeting there should be a handover of any responsibilities and consideration of the welfare of others – so that the holding of the panel does not in itself contribute to further problems.
- Senior BF staff member present (normally the panel chair).
- Welfare officer
- Appropriate staff/coaches.
- BF LSO (may need to dial-in)
- Note taker
If any of the panel members are directly involved or significantly affected by the incident then an alternative should be appointed in their place.
- Review incident and actions to date
- Identify risks and agree actions to further mitigate risk
- Consideration of welfare of all those involved in the incident – both directly and indirectly
- Consideration of any immediate escalation to CEO or Board Directors.
- The Senior Staff Member will be responsible for managing the action list and ensuring the plan is enacted.
Actions may include:
- Suspending camp delivery – temporary or permanent
- Contacting parents, children services, police.
- Imposing temporary supervision orders/check-in protocols to support people involved
- Requesting a child is collected (this should primarily be used as a without prejudice protection measure – not as a sanction)
- Containment and risk reduction – this could involve separating individuals, extra supervision.
Follow-Up Activities
The Senior Member of Staff will
- Notify the CEO
- On conclusion of the meeting confirm in writing with meeting attendees any agreed immediate actions and any delegated authority to vary those actions.
- Agree with BF LSO a handover and any outstanding actions that relate to safeguarding and welfare.
- Write up an initial Incident Report within 48 hours, to include
- What happened – who, what, where, how, when
- Outstanding follow-up actions (with owners)
- Depending on the incident the CEO or Board may commission a review
- Hold a follow-up meeting (within 14 days) to cover outstanding actions, lessons learned and arising recommendations.