Senior Men’s Sabre 01/02/2025 11:40

Last update: 01/02/2025 11:40 | Calculation Date: 01/02/2025 00:00 | Click here to view the full file
Rank Name Club Licence Total Points Domestic Domestic # International International #
1 ALLEN Samuel Leon Paul Project 123066 47134 10334 2 36800 4
2 WEBB Jonathan Camden Fencing Club 102572 37976 11576 2 26400 4
3 DEARY William Truro Fencing Club 102712 36000 0 0 36000 2
4 HALLIWELL Barnaby Shakespeares Swords 112410 34328 20628 4 13700 2
5 HAYNES Luke Truro Fencing Club 113221 28633 23037 3 5596 3
6 GOUGOULIAS Olympios Leon Paul Project 117385 25943 24305 4 1638 2
7 SAUNDERS Brynmor Paul Davis Fencing Academy 119420 24556 21604 5 2952 1
8 GALAZKA Dylan Cardiff Academy of Fencing 121279 22733 20465 5 2268 1
9 JANSSEN Loek Paul Davis Fencing Academy 99869 21715 21715 6 0 0
10 HO Ian Camden Fencing Club 127907 20031 18980 2 1051 2
11 GELLETT Charles Leon Paul Project 101932 19109 14763 4 4346 2
12 BEDFORD Louis Shakespeares Swords 122322 18681 16568 4 2113 2
13 CROFT Liam Shakespeares Swords 126537 17795 14027 5 3768 1
14 MARTIN Henry Truro Fencing Club 122168 17557 15486 4 2071 2
15 HOWES Nicholas Truro Fencing Club 107045 17311 14459 3 2852 3
16 EVANS Joe Cardiff Academy of Fencing 137066 16281 15579 4 702 1
17 KLOSS Nathanael Cardiff Academy of Fencing 121432 13198 13198 3 0 0
18 PLASTOW Mattia Camden Fencing Club 151202 12860 11642 5 1218 1
19 COTOROGEA Vlad Cambridgeshire Fencing Club 149608 12191 12191 5 0 0
20 MILLER Curtis Camden Fencing Club 55634 12000 12000 1 0 0
21 BARR Jacob Paul Davis Fencing Academy 129750 11046 8748 3 2298 1
22 MITCHELL-ROWE Decordoba Camden Fencing Club 133605 10871 10871 6 0 0
23 YUEN Lucas TMFC Fencing 147463 10482 10482 3 0 0
24 SWINSCOW Eiger Leon Paul Project 145639 10460 8252 3 2208 1
25 MCLELLAN Rory Edinburgh University Fencing Club 124522 10332 10332 1 0 0
26 WOODWARD Zachary TMFC Fencing 130259 10082 10082 2 0 0
27 KHURANA Aum Premier Sabre Academy 136270 9962 9961 4 1 1
28 AKINYOSOYE Folayemi Camden Fencing Club 135236 9759 9759 3 0 0
29 KETTLES Calum Salle Ossian Fencing Club 134135 9334 9334 6 0 0
30 ATKINSON Jonah Bedford Fencing Club 125676 8855 8855 6 0 0
31 SAMUEL Josh Camden Fencing Club 149019 8733 8733 6 0 0
32 JURYNIEC Michal Camden Fencing Club 135126 8355 8355 6 0 0
33 WALMSLEY Samuel Premier Sabre Academy 132747 7848 7848 5 0 0
34 ALLEN Jeffrey Blackheath Fencing Club 151328 7808 7808 5 0 0
35 VAUGHAN Christopher University of Nottingham 136072 7417 7417 6 0 0
36 SCOTT Stuart Salle Ecosse 57344 7318 7318 2 0 0
37 MALES Ben Cardiff Academy of Fencing 127319 6795 5435 5 1360 1
38 ROWELLE Charles Stort Valley Sabre Club 139981 6751 6751 5 0 0
39 GIBBS Samuel Camden Fencing Club 53656 6692 6692 3 0 0
40 OMOBORIOWO Mark Camden Fencing Club 119198 6644 6644 6 0 0
41 MELEGH Boldizsar University Of Birmingham Fencing Club 145815 6435 6435 6 0 0
42 MINGLE Joey Camden Fencing Club 153897 6340 6340 6 0 0
43 RHODES Finlay Stort Valley Sabre Club 135356 6221 6221 4 0 0
44 WAHL-BYDE Jacob Cardiff Academy of Fencing 135977 6196 6196 3 0 0
45 CHISTI Muhammad Abdullah Leon Paul Project 159492 5723 5723 6 0 0
46 BUXTON William Shakespeares Swords 145811 5364 5364 2 0 0
47 BEDFORD Raphael Shakespeares Swords 133629 5352 5352 2 0 0
48 CATTE Adrien Edinburgh Fencing Club 161023 5282 5282 4 0 0
49 GOSLING Louis Warwick University Fencing Club 131411 5226 5226 2 0 0
50 OLSSON Ryan Shakespeares Swords 139381 5208 5208 3 0 0
51 PIERCE Matthew Stort Valley Sabre Club 135322 5207 5207 4 0 0
52 NASH Rubin Paul Davis Fencing Academy 52576 5129 5129 5 0 0
53 LISTER Alexander TMFC Fencing 128371 4705 4705 3 0 0
54 HIYAMA Ryuki Shakespeares Swords 134842 4631 4630 2 1 1
55 GARCIA-GHURAN Aidan Paul Davis Fencing Academy 136450 4459 4459 1 0 0
56 WRIGHT Peter Stort Valley Sabre Club 30325 4367 4367 4 0 0
57 WHITE John Paul Davis Fencing Academy 136516 4352 4352 2 0 0
58 LEARNER Henry Paul Davis Fencing Academy 143811 4340 4340 1 0 0
59 SIDDIQ Adiy Whitgift School 138825 4312 4312 1 0 0
60 LYSEYKO Ashwyn Paul Davis Fencing Academy 139695 4284 4284 1 0 0
61 HARMS Owen Camden Fencing Club 150775 4191 4191 6 0 0
62 FLETCHER Nick Camden Fencing Club 146448 4147 4147 3 0 0
63 JANSEN Christian University Of Birmingham Fencing Club 135027 4146 4146 6 0 0
64 DIREK-AZIZOGLU Meksel Leon Paul Project 150172 4035 4035 4 0 0
65 SIBELIUS Etienne Leon Paul Project 150741 4026 4026 2 0 0
66 BAXTER Elliott Shakespeares Swords 124597 4008 4008 1 0 0
67 YANG Jiuzhou Exeter City Fencing Club 150682 3868 3868 3 0 0
68 HORNE Samuel Truro Fencing Club 126035 3768 3768 1 0 0
69 GEOFFROY Quentin Edinburgh University Fencing Club 149549 3650 3650 2 0 0
70 MYERS Brent Edinburgh Fencing Club 148720 3558 3558 6 0 0
71 GEDDES Jack Salle Ossian Fencing Club 141901 3343 3343 4 0 0
72 KWOK Lucas Stort Valley Sabre Club 148232 3284 3284 2 0 0
73 BIGGS Joshua Espada Fencing Club 115743 3215 3215 5 0 0
74 HINEGAN Lee Bolton Fencing Club 98651 3214 3214 5 0 0
75 THOROGOOD Charles Sheffield University Fencing Club 142015 3164 3164 4 0 0
76 MANNING Griffin Sancroft Blades 136514 3097 3097 6 0 0
77 ALISON Ben University Of Kent 131726 3076 3076 5 0 0
78 DONNACHIE Tyree TMFC Fencing 154177 3015 3015 3 0 0
79 MACLEOD Austin Stort Valley Sabre Club 139857 2967 2967 3 0 0
80 MARTIN James Truro Fencing Club 105520 2930 2930 3 0 0
81 HEWETT Oliver Wrexham Fencing Club 147471 2915 2915 3 0 0
82 WOODCOCK Alex Shakespeares Swords 147896 2765 2765 1 0 0
83 JORGESON Charlie Leon Paul Project 155236 2764 2764 3 0 0
84 FERNANDEZ Ruben Shakespeares Swords 147735 2702 2702 1 0 0
85 DUNSTAN William Taunton Deane Blades 138001 2685 2685 3 0 0
86 IRELAND Innes Shakespeares Swords 141955 2625 2625 1 0 0
87 TONEY Sam Birmingham Fencing Club 118820 2555 2555 5 0 0
88 CROUCHER Benjamin Shakespeares Swords 136327 2506 2506 1 0 0
89 ELSEEHY Ahmed MGS Fencing 154091 2494 2494 3 0 0
90 BOWLEY Stan Esprit 95907 2484 2484 1 0 0
91 SAUNDERS Maximillian Stort Valley Sabre Club 135343 2370 2370 1 0 0
92 DOUGLAS Luke Blackheath Fencing Club 123373 2289 2289 5 0 0
93 HORMBREY Oscar Stort Valley Sabre Club 135315 2265 2265 1 0 0
94 ZHAO Yoyo Leon Paul Project 149635 2245 2245 1 0 0
95 ALMUTAIRI Ziyad Cardiff Academy of Fencing 163290 2208 2208 1 0 0
96 HETHERINGTON Miller Salle Ossian Fencing Club 134001 2178 2178 2 0 0
97 BRYDEN Joshua Salle Ossian Fencing Club 133432 2100 0 0 2100 1
98 LIU Yucheng Warwick University Fencing Club 160112 2016 2016 4 0 0
99 RICHMOND Astrid Lancaster University Fencing Club 150306 1820 1820 4 0 0
100 MORRIS Carl Seacourt Fencing Club 33558 1668 1668 3 0 0
101 MYNORS George Shakespeares Swords 128094 1620 1620 1 0 0
102 MATHER Maximilian Lancaster University Fencing Club 122337 1565 1565 4 0 0
103 GRAINGER Ryan Chilwell Blades Fencing Club 157355 1560 1560 6 0 0
104 KIRBY Benjamin University of Manchester Fencing Club 145374 1554 1554 2 0 0
105 ASHCROFT Paul Watford Fencing Club 121661 1512 1512 3 0 0
106 STEWART Alexander Luso International Fencing 142846 1361 1361 2 0 0
107 SOPPITT Alisdair Warwick University Fencing Club 125651 1360 1360 2 0 0
108 RIZVI Adam Keele University Fencing Club 159374 1345 1345 3 0 0
109 GREENE Alexander MX Fencing Club 147361 1340 1340 1 0 0
110 LLOYD Gregory Cardiff Academy of Fencing 132980 1294 1294 1 0 0
111 ADESIDA Omar Warwick University Fencing Club 158979 1224 1224 2 0 0
112 QUINLAN Ethan Brighton & Hove Fencing Club 156953 1207 1207 2 0 0
113 THORLEY Christian The City Fencing Club 55622 1197 1197 2 0 0
114 OAKES Marc Camden Fencing Club 58992 1073 1073 1 0 0
115 ZHANG Yuhang 161050 1070 1070 1 0 0
116 GHOSH Julian Camden Fencing Club 94993 1066 1066 2 0 0
117 MANSOORI Mo Kingston Fencing Club 36306 1064 1064 2 0 0
118 THAKRAR Rohan Shakespeares Swords 122272 983 983 1 0 0
119 MARTIN Thomas Cardiff Academy of Fencing 91793 953 953 3 0 0
120 HAWKLEY Oscar Birmingham Fencing Club 150737 935 935 3 0 0
121 FRANCART Oakley Sarnia Sword Club 135251 934 934 2 0 0
122 FAN Laifu Tonbridge School Fencing Club 152306 924 924 1 0 0
123 LIU Zhixing Truro Fencing Club 151645 921 921 1 0 0
124 LEE Min Ju University Of Birmingham Fencing Club 158989 886 886 1 0 0
125 BOSWELL Paul Camden Fencing Club 151942 878 878 1 0 0
126 TIPPIN Luke Tonbridge School Fencing Club 142765 848 848 1 0 0
127 YAU Hang-Hei Cardiff University 149517 843 843 1 0 0
128 LANDALE Jack Exeter University Fencing Club 150925 837 837 1 0 0
129 SONGXIAN Zhang 158350 832 832 1 0 0
130 CROMIE Max Leon Paul Project 116698 802 0 0 802 3
131 HENTGES Carl Oxford University Fencing Club 141154 794 794 1 0 0
132 HULLAH Robert Laszlo 101162 788 788 6 0 0
133 THORNLEY Drew University of Manchester Fencing Club 119935 739 739 2 0 0
134 GAN Jerome St Andrews University Fencing Club 158605 727 727 2 0 0
135 BURNETT Curtis Edinburgh Sabre Club 149657 717 717 3 0 0
136 FOSTER Richard Exeter City Fencing Club 131880 631 631 2 0 0
137 ARMISTEAD Andrew Stort Valley Sabre Club 154493 608 608 4 0 0
138 RAUT Thomas Exeter University Fencing Club 124372 604 604 1 0 0
139 LEE Dominic Unattached 119216 594 594 1 0 0
140 HARRIS George Kingston Fencing Club 119071 589 589 2 0 0
141 HARRIS Henry Sheffield University Fencing Club 158929 588 588 4 0 0
142 MCGUIRE Euan Forth Valley Fencing Club 148393 585 585 3 0 0
143 FOWLER James MGS Fencing 155197 582 582 3 0 0
143 LUMSDEN Guy Salle Ossian Fencing Club 144330 582 582 2 0 0
143 THEROND Emmanuel Kingston Fencing Club 120636 582 582 2 0 0
146 CALLAGHAN Maxim Anglia Ruskin University Fencing Club 154120 570 570 2 0 0
147 MEMISOGLU Demir Latymer Upper School 146346 568 568 1 0 0
148 STEVENS Alex MX Fencing Club 142692 563 563 2 0 0
149 ANDERSEN Jamie Latymer Upper School 155004 560 560 2 0 0
150 HOMEWOOD Benjamin Exeter University Fencing Club 132609 537 537 1 0 0
151 BOOTH Harvey Bath Sword Club 158643 534 534 2 0 0
151 NEISZER Gellert University of Glasgow Fencing Club 156552 534 534 2 0 0
153 O'BRIEN Eoin University Of York Fencing Club 134897 532 532 3 0 0
154 MCCOMBIE Finn Exeter University Fencing Club 138826 529 529 1 0 0
155 JI Zonglin Edinburgh Fencing Club 153928 519 519 3 0 0
156 BOTELER Jack Latymer Upper School 47935 487 487 1 0 0
156 CHBIB Oubai St Benedicts 150894 487 487 1 0 0
158 SHEK Antony Edinburgh Fencing Club 117354 460 460 2 0 0
159 KITCHEN Samuel Stort Valley Sabre Club 144198 451 451 1 0 0
160 LI Yiming KCL Fencing Club 160376 426 426 1 0 0
161 MCCLURE Iain Camden Fencing Club 133816 424 424 1 0 0
162 BRAIDLEY Adam University Of York Fencing Club 135406 422 422 2 0 0
163 JOHNSON Edward Watford Fencing Club 142138 415 415 1 0 0
164 CHISHOLM Cameron Bolton Fencing Club 136204 410 410 2 0 0
164 JANTAYEV Timir Brighton & Hove Fencing Club 113009 410 410 1 0 0
166 GOODMAN James North Kesteven Fencing Club 146215 406 406 3 0 0
167 MALIK Haris MGS Fencing 147600 389 389 2 0 0
168 MACDONALD Brodie Sancroft Blades 142129 361 361 2 0 0
169 LEPONIS Stefan Stockport Sword Club 98823 359 359 1 0 0
170 HILLIARD John Sancroft Blades 124113 354 354 1 0 0
171 GRAHAM Oliver Liverpool Fencing Club 124347 349 349 1 0 0
172 LLEWELLYN Ethan Sancroft Blades 125783 344 344 1 0 0
173 CHAMPANERIA Veer Salle Ossian Fencing Club 142203 341 341 2 0 0
174 CHAKRABORTY Ujan University of Glasgow Fencing Club 155341 331 331 6 0 0
175 HORTON Wilf Derbyshire Epee Academy 128274 328 328 1 0 0
176 BEAZER Matthew Dunedin Fencing Club 144806 326 326 2 0 0
176 BODEN George Gwent Sword Club 130115 326 326 1 0 0
178 EWING Sam Lancaster University Fencing Club 113841 315 315 2 0 0
178 ROBINSON Lee Northampton Fencing Club 128140 315 315 2 0 0
180 CHISHOLM Lewis Lancaster University Fencing Club 155566 314 314 2 0 0
180 WANG Yuanrong Paul Davis Fencing Academy 135970 314 314 1 0 0
182 MCNAIR Ruaridh Salle Solas 134799 313 313 2 0 0
183 LEIGH Thomas 164635 311 311 1 0 0
184 MONRO James MGS Fencing 152947 302 302 1 0 0
185 MCLEOD Jamie Dundee University Fencing Club 154192 300 300 2 0 0
186 DAVIDSON Keith Glasgow West End Fencing Club 93482 295 295 2 0 0
186 PRITCHARD Andrew House of Sabre 53378 295 295 1 0 0
188 GRANT Lachlan St Andrews University Fencing Club 153753 292 292 1 0 0
189 ROCKETT Charles Warwick University Fencing Club 140323 281 281 5 0 0
190 KO Hon Chun Lancaster University Fencing Club 149511 280 280 1 0 0
190 REES Luke Bristol Blades Fencing Club 148264 280 280 1 0 0
192 ALEXANDER Kevin Kingston Fencing Club 31529 272 272 3 0 0
193 LEE Wai On Chilwell Blades Fencing Club 146077 264 264 2 0 0
194 BASTON-HALL Tony 135556 263 263 1 0 0
194 BROWN Joshua Cardiff Academy of Fencing 144628 263 263 1 0 0
194 REICHENBACH Jamie Ardingly College Fencing Club 163372 263 263 1 0 0
197 TAITES Ethan MX Fencing Club 158145 258 258 2 0 0
198 SMITH Mike Brighton & Hove Fencing Club 93121 254 254 1 0 0
199 BERRY Joseph University Of Birmingham Fencing Club 145304 248 248 1 0 0
200 RIGANELLO Marco Leicester Fencing Club 155631 245 245 1 0 0
201 FROST Thomas Wrekin Sword Club 143716 244 244 2 0 0
201 LOSINSKI Tomasz Sutton Coldfield Fencing Club 135247 244 244 1 0 0
203 DEWHURST Dominic Lancaster University Fencing Club 154117 241 241 2 0 0
203 WARWICK Ben Warwick University Fencing Club 112878 241 241 1 0 0
205 KURUCZ Kende Truro Fencing Club 141662 240 240 1 0 0
206 LINDSAY-DORWARD Oisin Salle Ossian Fencing Club 139572 239 239 1 0 0
207 BURTON David Norfolk Fencing Club 42699 236 236 1 0 0
207 SANTOLERI Riccardo TMFC Fencing 147494 236 236 1 0 0
209 LUDLAM Jake Lancaster University Fencing Club 139292 231 231 1 0 0
210 FOULKES Freddie MGS Fencing 155497 230 230 1 0 0
211 NIU Cory Edinburgh University Fencing Club 163815 227 227 1 0 0
212 CAMPODIFIORI Luca Camden Fencing Club 158346 223 223 2 0 0
213 HAU William Edinburgh Fencing Club 138821 218 218 3 0 0
214 ANTELO Tim Truro Fencing Club 151425 215 215 2 0 0
215 BELL Mark Herdwick Fencing Club 156323 206 206 3 0 0
215 SCOTT-ROBINSON Alfred Portsmouth & Southsea Fencing Club 147226 206 206 1 0 0
217 BUNFORD Chris Espada Fencing Club 149480 204 204 1 0 0
218 BAXTER Mikey Unattached 160648 200 200 1 0 0
218 HALL Richard Guildford Fencing Club 53712 200 200 1 0 0
220 LEIGHTON JONES Alexander 125442 198 198 1 0 0
221 PANER Darren Radcliffe Sword Club 136571 194 194 1 0 0
222 SASAYA Hiromu TMFC Fencing 161810 191 191 1 0 0
223 MORRISON Rory Unattached 116421 188 188 1 0 0
224 MOVILLA Ander Norfolk Fencing Club 150891 186 186 1 0 0
225 GERA Vyom Bradford Fencing Club 133562 183 183 1 0 0
226 HEGARTY Christian University Of Ulster F.C 129292 182 182 1 0 0
227 RONGONG Jadon Dunedin Fencing Club 153165 180 180 1 0 0
228 MOOREHEAD Patrick University of Aberdeen Fencing Club 159504 178 178 1 0 0
229 BEARD Patrick Warwick University Fencing Club 154098 175 175 1 0 0
230 COX Joseph University of Aberdeen Fencing Club 133937 174 174 1 0 0
230 TRACEY Ewan MGS Fencing 154497 174 174 2 0 0
232 MURPHY Nicholas Northwich Fencing Club 58035 172 172 1 0 0
233 PARR Harry 158569 170 170 1 0 0
234 BARON Peter Stourbridge Fencing Club 2834 168 168 2 0 0
235 COOKE Keziah MGS Fencing 145875 167 167 1 0 0
236 WILSON John Warwick University Fencing Club 109463 166 166 1 0 0
237 HEISZ-ERDELYI Bruno Salle Ossian Fencing Club 142243 163 163 1 0 0
238 VAUGHAN Paul Salle Ossian Fencing Club 131350 160 160 1 0 0
239 MOODY David Salle Solas 112701 157 157 1 0 0
240 SUTHERLAND Miller Forth Valley Fencing Club 148394 156 156 1 0 0
241 ARCHIBALD Euan Edinburgh Sabre Club 152996 154 154 2 0 0
242 HAY Michael Elgin Duellist Fencing Club 156131 152 152 1 0 0
243 CLARK Gethin Egham Fencing Club 154936 151 151 2 0 0
244 RUSSELL Cameron Glasgow Caledonian University Fencing Club 138543 149 149 2 0 0
245 ARMISTEAD Timothy Stort Valley Sabre Club 154495 146 146 4 0 0
245 BOWDEN Zachary St Benedicts 142683 146 146 1 0 0
247 POPOV Alex Stort Valley Sabre Club 154455 144 144 1 0 0
248 SHEN Fanglin Sheffield University Fencing Club 160863 140 140 2 0 0
249 HYDE Jamie Aberdeen City Fencing Club 145371 132 132 1 0 0
250 WELSH Simon Durham Phoenix 104510 131 131 1 0 0
251 ANDERSON Jake St Andrews University Fencing Club 160175 129 129 1 0 0
252 REVESZ Domonkos University of Glasgow Fencing Club 144513 126 126 1 0 0
253 BALL Jason Heart of Devon Swords 46065 114 114 1 0 0
254 GREENHOFF Noah Taunton Deane Blades 140067 111 111 1 0 0
255 HEYES-LYNCH Joe University of Glasgow Fencing Club 136293 110 110 1 0 0
255 WANLESS Holly Street Swords 145390 110 110 1 0 0
257 CHEVIN Connor Bristol Blades Fencing Club 117273 109 109 1 0 0
257 SMITH Nathaniel Sheffield University Fencing Club 151466 109 109 1 0 0
259 PARK Daniel University of Salford Fencing Club 145957 108 108 1 0 0
260 VARLEY Alexander Exeter University Fencing Club 126551 103 103 1 0 0
261 BUCKERIDGE Ridley Exeter University Fencing Club 133932 83 83 1 0 0
262 AMINE-PIEKOS Adam Tenterden Swords 157453 3 3 3 0 0
263 CROMBIE Richard Shakespeares Swords 158295 2 2 2 0 0
263 DE SOUSA Michael University of Manchester Fencing Club 160642 2 2 2 0 0
263 SMITH Thomas Bedford Fencing Club 155187 2 2 2 0 0
263 TREGEA Liam St Benedicts 153624 2 2 2 0 0
267 BARRY Freddie Tonbridge School Fencing Club 153029 1 1 1 0 0
267 BARTON Tabatha Milton Keynes Fencing Club 130682 1 1 1 0 0
267 BIRD William Wrexham Fencing Club 144125 1 1 1 0 0
267 BOOTH William Wrekin Sword Club 162415 1 1 1 0 0
267 BRELSFOARD Lucan Salle Ossian Fencing Club 163406 1 1 1 0 0
267 BUNFORD Oscar Espada Fencing Club 148898 1 1 1 0 0
267 CANNON Richard Edinburgh University Fencing Club 147104 1 1 1 0 0
267 COATES Ian Huntingdonshire Fencing Club 46105 1 1 1 0 0
267 COOMBES Ashley Bridgend Fencing Club 138725 1 1 1 0 0
267 CRICHTON Guy Mid Down Fencing Club 139669 1 1 1 0 0
267 DE SA ALMEIDA Manuel Milton Keynes Fencing Club 155331 1 1 1 0 0
267 DONSKIKH Denis Imperial College Union F.C 145186 1 1 1 0 0
267 DORGAN Fionn Camden Fencing Club 156314 1 1 1 0 0
267 FIELD Alexander Wrekin Sword Club 152984 1 1 1 0 0
267 FOSTER Thomas George Watsons College 154774 1 1 1 0 0
267 FURNESS-SMITH Charlie Elgin Duellist Fencing Club 156564 1 1 1 0 0
267 HAWKINS Michael Elgin Duellist Fencing Club 147323 1 1 1 0 0
267 HOWES Daniel Salisbury Fencing Club 55617 1 1 1 0 0
267 ISTED Ben Paul Davis Fencing Academy 140938 1 1 1 0 0
267 JAGTAP Arnav George Watsons College 157062 1 1 1 0 0
267 JONES Anthony 158891 1 1 1 0 0
267 LEVICK Rudy TMFC Fencing 140365 1 1 1 0 0
267 LI Jason Warwick University Fencing Club 154501 1 1 1 0 0
267 LIYANAGE-GRACIA Aiden Wrekin Sword Club 135435 1 1 1 0 0
267 LIYANAGE-GRACIA Connor Wrekin Sword Club 135436 1 1 1 0 0
267 LUCAS Ashley Aberystwyth Fencing Club 158867 1 1 1 0 0
267 LUCAS George Paul Davis Fencing Academy 142953 1 1 1 0 0
267 MASMANIDIS Harry Norfolk Fencing Club 149632 1 1 1 0 0
267 MASON Oliver Stort Valley Sabre Club 148315 1 1 1 0 0
267 MATUSIAK Adam Edinburgh Sabre Club 158303 1 1 1 0 0
267 MCLAUGHLIN Zachary George Watsons College 155647 1 1 1 0 0
267 MITCHELL Toby University Of Kent 144072 1 1 1 0 0
267 NYLAND Rhys Lancaster University Fencing Club 159371 1 1 1 0 0
267 OATES HARRISON Lake Norfolk Fencing Club 143274 1 1 1 0 0
267 PARRY Samuel Lancaster University Fencing Club 163910 1 1 1 0 0
267 PAYNE Henry Stort Valley Sabre Club 148314 1 1 1 0 0
267 PITKIN-THOMAS Theodore Cardiff Academy of Fencing 135296 1 1 1 0 0
267 PROFIT Kyle Exeter University Fencing Club 160243 1 1 1 0 0
267 PéREZ Allan University of Bristol Fencing Club 152964 1 1 1 0 0
267 RAJA-ZAHID Samir MGS Fencing 160246 1 1 1 0 0
267 RAMIREZ James Dunedin Fencing Club 125386 1 1 1 0 0
267 RAZA Ali MGS Fencing 156011 1 1 1 0 0
267 RHODES Euan Stort Valley Sabre Club 143766 1 1 1 0 0
267 ROBERTS Alexander Dilettante 152004 1 1 1 0 0
267 RODGERS Lindsay Laszlo 140733 1 1 1 0 0
267 RUSSELL Alex Sancroft Blades 151003 1 1 1 0 0
267 SALLE Étienne University of Glasgow Fencing Club 153650 1 1 1 0 0
267 SIMPSON Cameron University Of Surrey 145799 1 1 1 0 0
267 SOHIER Théodore Taunton Deane Blades 161382 1 1 1 0 0
267 SPILSBURY Arthur Foiled Again Fencing Club 121791 1 1 1 0 0
267 SUN Dominic Tonbridge School Fencing Club 160103 1 1 1 0 0
267 SURI Veer St Benedicts 160664 1 1 1 0 0
267 TALIGATOS Raphael University of Bristol Fencing Club 157805 1 1 1 0 0
267 TERRY John Norfolk Fencing Club 155221 1 1 1 0 0
267 TIMMINS Ross University Of Birmingham Fencing Club 140312 1 1 1 0 0
267 WALLER Ashley Norfolk Fencing Club 155027 1 1 1 0 0
267 WILCOX Rhys Liverpool Fencing Club 154322 1 1 1 0 0
267 WORDSWORTH Ben Lancaster University Fencing Club 163891 1 1 1 0 0

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