24/01/2025- GBR Fencer


Congratulations to the athletes selected in the first wave of selections for the GBR Squad for the upcoming U20 (Junior) World Championships in Wuxi, China, from 7th to 15th April 2025.

Selection Status: Appeals window now open, closes 5pm Wednesday 29th January 2025.

This first wave of selections consists of athletes that have met the qualification standards at the published selection point of 19th January. Where squad places are still available (e.g. JWE), the final selection for the remaining places will take place following the selection points highlighted in the table below.

Athletes selected (listed alphabetically by surname):

Foil Women Foil Men Epee Women Epee Men Sabre Women Sabre Men
Isabella Johnson
(Q38/19%, R5)
Jamie Cook
(QM/2%, R1)
Olivia Eadie
(QM/30%, R2)
Cador Beautyman
(QM/7% R2)
Bethany Brierley
(QM/17%, R3)
Henry Martin
(Q38/26%, R1)
Carolina Stutchbury
(QM/7%, R1)
David Kelly
(Q38/14%, R4)
TBC w/c 17th February 2025 Alec Brooke
(QM/4%, R6)
Lexie Craze
(Q38/17%, R1)
Eiger Swinscow
(Q38/30%, R2)
Amelie Tsang
(Q38/27%, R2)
Callum Penman
(Q38/15%, R3)
TBC w/c 17th February 2025 Tristan Lumineau
(QM/9%, R1)
Keira Donnelly-Sallows
(Q38/23%, R4)
TBC w/c 17th February 2025
TBC w/c 17th February 2025 David Sosnov
(QM/4%, R2)
TBC w/c 17th February 2025 Sameer Sunder-Rajan
(Q38/37%, R3)
Melissa Jane
(Q38/15%, R2)
TBC w/c 17th February 2025

(Qualification standard/average international % finish across best 3 results, R = BF ranking position)

QM = qualified by medal standard, Q8 = qualified by 8% standard, Q38 = qualified by 38% standard, D = discretionary selection.


Please Note: 

  1. Important information about the Championships: Before taking any decision to accept selection or take any related action, athletes, parents, supporters and coaches must read the Cadet and Junior World Championships 2025 dedicated event page. This includes important latest information about entry, exit points, accommodation and costs as details will differ from standard  events.
  2. Major Event Guide: If it’s your first time involved as a parent, athlete or coach (or you would like a reminder about how these types of events run) please read the GBR Guide to Major Event.
  3. Acceptance Emails: These will be sent out from the Sport:80 platform in the week starting 27th January.
  4. Appeals Window: The Selection Status will be updated to show ‘Confirmed – no (further) appeals in progress’ when that process is concluded. Athletes are advised not to make non-refundable plans until the appeals process is concluded.
  5. Chaperoned Flights: Details of flights where BF can offer chaperone support will be available from week starting 3rd February.
  6. Preparation Camp: Selected athletes (unless they have prior authorisation) are required to attend the European and Worlds Preparation Sessions on the 8th & 9th of February 2025 at the GBR Pathway camp – invites have already been sent out.
  7. Financial Assistance Scheme: Financial assistance forms for this event are available on request from [email protected]. Where families are paying for personal coaches and supporters to attend the event they are unlikely to be considered for support. Fencers attending private education institutions are also unlikely to be considered unless they are on 100% scholarships.


Reminder of the Selection Process

In accordance with the GBR Selection Policy the first three qualified fencers from the rankings were selected.

With regards to the fourth discretionary place athletes meeting qualification standards were considered:

  1. If only one remaining athlete met the standards they were selected.
  2. If more than one remaining athlete met the standards the selectors took into account the general selection principles for major events.

Where there was insufficient international performance rationale (which included consideration of any valid discretionary cases) to separate qualified athletes, selection reverted to the BF Ranking lists.


2025 General Principles

5.3.1 The purpose of selection is to develop athletes and teams for Major Championship success. Unless otherwise stated below, Major Championships selections will be guided by performances in the following order:

  1. the qualifying standards being met,
  2. international results prioritising nominated international events,
  3. team performance or performances in a team prioritising nominated international events,
  4. the potential to achieve future success internationally
  5. an active engagement with the GPP
  6. when no other measures are available, the BF rankings are considered.

7.2 54. If more than three eligible athletes have reached the qualifying standard for the European & World Championships, then: the first three athletes on the respective BF ranking list will be selected. The fourth Athlete and any non- travelling reserve will be chosen/proposed by the GBR Pathway Team at their discretion.


Relevant Data

All of this information is updated throughout the season and is available to everyone to check at any time (including athletes, parents and coaches) in the GBR Junior Zone.


More Information

Members of the Selection Panel

Athletes Meeting Qualification Standards as at 19th January

GBR Selection Policy – see section 7.2, item 53 for qualification standards



In accordance with the GBR Selection Policy, appeals will only be accepted from athletes that have met the qualifying performance standards. Before making an appeal athletes/parents/coaches are expected to look at the published performance data, in particular the average percentage finish over the best three results in comparison to those athletes selected.

Before making an appeal please read the published information and Appeals Policy.


Selection queries

If you have any questions about this post, please submit them to us via GBR Pathway Query form here and a GBR Support team member will respond.


Personal Coaches

Eligible personal coaches meeting the major event requirements will need to apply for accreditation and there are limits to the numbers that can attend. More information available here: 2025 Cadet and Junior World  Championships, Wuxi, China.


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