On Tuesday 1st September, BF along with our partners Maslaha, will lead a Twitter Takeover hosted by the Sport for Development Coalition, focusing on Muslim Girls Fence.
The Muslim Girls Fence partnership will lead the Twitter takeover, hosted by the Sport For Development Coalition (SFDC). Every month the SFDC hosts a Twitter takeover inviting organisations who are committed to and deliver projects that use the power of sport and physical activity as a tool for generating positive social outcomes.
Virginia Bailey, Head of Participation said, “We would like to thank the SFDC for providing the Muslim Girls Fence partnership with the opportunity to be part of their Twitter Takeover series. We are looking forward to engaging with other organisations through the series of questions that the partnership will be answering during the evening. We have seen first hand through projects such as Muslim Girls Fence the impact that fencing can have on individuals and communities beyond physical activity and look forward to discussing this throughout the evening.”
The event is running from 8pm-9pm and for those that are interested in joining the conversation, please use the #SportForDevelopmentCoalition
The five pre-prepared questions are below:
Q1: How are you using sport to challenge and remove some of the barriers that women face in society?
Q2: Why is it important to create a ‘safe space’ for women to participate?
Q3: How do lazy stereotypes or tropes contribute to and preserve barriers for women?
Q4: How can programmes like yours help to change the traditional approach of some governing bodies?
Q5: What is the value of working in partnership to increase opportunities for women?
Muslim Girls Fence is a project by British Fencing and Maslaha, funded by Sport England and Comic Relief. For more information about the project visit muslimgirlsfence.org