Welfare Guidelines & Resources for Clubs

Updated 06/01/2025

All British Fencing Affiliated Clubs must have an identified Club Welfare Officer in place.

(Please note that in Scotland this is called a Child Protection and Wellbeing Officer.)

The contact details of the Club Welfare Officer must be provided to British Fencing on the Club profile on the BF online platform https://bf.sport80.com/login.

The Club Welfare Officer must also ensure that evidence of their training (eg course certificates have been uploaded to their personal profile on their BF online platform https://bf.sport80.com/login.

Contact details should also be displayed clearly within the club environment at every session.

Schools, HE/FE & University Clubs

Clubs run in institutions within the educations sector, solely for the students of that institution are often held within a framework that has access to an existing Welfare or Safeguarding Officer. In these circumstances it is acceptable for the club to operate within that welfare framework.  The Lead Safeguarding Officer contact details should be provided to BF as part of any club affiliation.

The following guidelines and templates can be adapted for use in the club environment:

(Clubs in Scotland should also refer to the welfare information provided by Scottish Fencing here.)


Guidance on Changing and use of Changing Rooms  12.07.17
Information Sharing  12.07.17
Collection and Late Collection Policy  12.07.17
Safe Recruitment Procedure  12.07.17
Good Practice Guidelines on the use of Social Networking Sites  12.07.17
Safer Sporting Events  12.07.17
Guidelines on Staffing/Supervision Ratios for Children/Young People’s Activities  12.07.17
Transporting Children and Young People  12.07.17
Away Trips  12.07.17
Guidance on Risk Assessment  12.07.17
Managing Challenging Behaviour  06.01.25
Children travelling alone to competitions in the UK 06.02.23


Checklist for Away Trips 24/08/2017
Incident Reporting Form 24/08/2017
Permission to go home on your own 24/08/2017
Role Description – Assistant Club Coach 24/08/2017
Role Description – Lead Coach 24/08/2017
Role Description – Welfare Officer 24/08/2017
Sample consent Forms for use of Photographs or Videos 24/08/2017
Sample Induction Programme 24/08/2017


Other Useful Guidance Notes and Learning Opportunities – NSPCC

BAME Communities This training resource from the NSPCC helps adults in black and minority ethnic (BME) communities learn about childcare practices which may be positive or harmful, and ways to keep children safe
Faith Communities Find out how to approach safeguarding from within the beliefs, teachings and cultural context of faith communities.
Deaf and Disabled Children Guidance on protecting d/Deaf and disabled children and young people from abuse
NSPCC Safeguarding Checklist This NSPCC tool to help you assess what you’re already doing well, and what you need to improve to make sure all the children who come into contact with your organisation are protected. (Please note that it does not cover adults at risk)

CPSU Resources

There is a wealth of resources available on the CPSU website. Including:
Safeguarding and inclusion deaf and disabled children in sport including checklist designed to help sports to support deaf and disabled athletes participating in activities within their setting and a webinar exploring how and why disabled children are additionally vulnerable to abuse, and what steps can be taken by sports organisations to safeguard them.

Homophobic and transphobic bullying in youth sport – This briefing provides a definition of homophobic and transphobic bullying, statistics and recommendations for how to prevent and respond to incidents.



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