BF launch entry fee scheme to support those most in need who have qualified for the BYCs in May 2022.
BF is mindful of the rising costs of attending fencing events and the potential barrier to participation this creates for some members of our community.
As a result, BF is offering a limited number of free entries to qualified fencers to attend the 2022 BYCs. These will be offered based on financial need, not on ability. This scheme will cover 100% of the entry fee cost.
Qualifiers to the 2022 BYCs can complete their application form online here. Applications will be anonymised, and decisions will be made by a panel against a set criteria.
One application should be completed per athlete. Within the application form, applicants have the option to select whether they wish BF to share details of their application with affiliated regions which will allow regions the ability to offer other support which they may have available. All applications will be checked by BF staff to check that the minimum eligibility criteria are met before being passed to the panel.
We want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to receive clear, understandable information from BF. If you require this in an alternative format, please contact [email protected]
Applications will close on 11th April 2022 at 5pm
All applicants will be told the outcome of their application by 14th April 2022
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
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