As required by the Bye-laws, the Board of British Fencing has fixed the following dates for the 2011 election of directors:
The Qualifying Date: Monday 5th September 2011.
The Qualifying Date is the date at which a member of British Fencing must be a “Qualifying Voting Member” in order to be eligible to vote in the election.
Under the Articles, a Qualifying Voting Member is any Member who is a fully paid-up Voting Member and whose name is entered on the Roll on the Qualifying Date.
In other words, if you want to vote in this year’s election, you must make sure that by Monday 5th September 2011 the British Fencing Head Office has your name entered in its records as a fully-paid up voting member.
The Nomination Date: Saturday 20th August 2011.
The Nomination Date is the date by which completed Nomination Forms must be received by British Fencing Head Office.
This means that if you want to nominate someone as a candidate in this year’s election, you must ensure that the completed Nomination Form, containing the details of the candidate as required by the form and the signatures of 15 members to support that nomination, has been received by British Fencing Head Office by no later than Saturday 20th August 2011.
Nomination Forms can be downloaded by clicking here, or obtained by contacting the British Fencing Head Office:
British Fencing, 1 Baron’s Gate, 33/35 Rothschild Road, London W4 5HT
Tel: 020 8742 3032
Fax: 020 8742 3033
E-mail: [email protected]
Please see also the Instructions for Nomination of Directors which can be downloaded by clicking here.
Teddy Bourne, British Fencing Electoral Officer/19th July 2011