May 18, 11.00am, at the British Olympic Association (BOA)
Charlotte Street, London
Dear Member,
On behalf of the British Fencing Board, I invite you to a General Meeting of British Fencing in London on May 18 where your new Board will set out its vision for the future of British Fencing, update you on progress to date and seek your consent to certain statutory matters (explained more fully below).
We were grateful for the many responses to our recent Communications survey and would like this General Meeting to herald a new era for communications by British Fencing. This is an important time for our sport and the Board wants to engage fully with members as we move forward. Hence we are holding this General Meeting to;-
a) give members an update on the Board’s vision and 3G policies and programmes and respond to your questions in an open forum. Directors will be present, together with the CEO; and
b) advise members of changes the Board recommends to the Articles, explain why the Board believes these changes will help develop and grow fencing in the UK and seek your approval to the recommendations.
For members who cannot attend on this date in London, the open forum part of the Meeting will be continued in Roadshows by the Chair, as advertised on the website; the next is at the British Schools on Sunday 21st April, then Cardiff on Sunday May 5th and Camden on May 13th.
The formal notice of the Meeting and resolutions to be proposed are set out in the document, attached. If you would like to vote on the resolutions but cannot come to the Meeting, you can appoint another person as your proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, vote and speak at the Meeting by using one of the methods set out in the notes to the notice.
I hope you are able to attend the General Meeting and look forward to your continued involvement in and enjoyment of our sport.
David Teasdale
Chair of British Fencing
Click here to download the Formal Notice, Proposed Article changes and Proxy Form