Complete our survey for your chance to win a £300 cash prize
Please find below a link to British Fencing’s latest survey. It is about attitudes towards fencing and towards sport in general and how they may have changed over time. It is designed to assist British Fencing to better understand the reasons and motivations as to why people choose to start fencing and continue to, or not.
Insight gained from this survey (amongst other insight) will be used to help grow the sport. British Fencing will develop an insight led strategy that creates attractive participation experiences, to get more people fencing regularly.
The survey will take around 20 minutes and we are encouraging anyone that has ever tried fencing (regardless of whether they still fence or not) to complete it. Therefore members and non members of British Fencing are invited to take part in this survey, so please spread the word!
There is a prize draw of £300 cash for one winner picked at random from the completed surveys! So remember to complete your email details at the end of the survey when prompted. The lucky winner will be announced on the British Fencing website, Facebook and Twitter on Monday 8th December 2014.
Click here to complete the survey.
Note: This survey has also been emailed to all members who have opted in to receive electronic communications from British Fencing.