Hungary is hosting the first EFC U14 Fencing Festival in Budapest from 28 June to 30 June. Eligible fencers who wish to participate are welcome to express interest. Invitations to participate will follow, subject to a prioritisation process should more eligible fencers apply than spaces are available.
The EFC has announced a new U14 Festival, confirming the dates and entry criteria.
BF is the recognised National Federation responsible for submitting entries to the EFC events.
How many fencers will be invited?
Each nation can enter a maximum of eight fencers per event, depending on their birth year and weapon.
How will BF decide which fencers to invite?
Invitations will be based on eligibility criteria and recent performances.
Invitation Criteria
Prioritisation Process
Should more eligible fencers request to participate than there are spaces available, the spaces will be prioritised as follows:
Should fewer fencers request to participate than there are spaces available, BF reserves the right to invite additional fencers who have not met the performance standards but have met all other eligibility criteria, including relevant international experience. For example, if the BYC top 12 predominantly contains 2010 birth years. BF will not aim to fill the event as we want to ensure that the fencer’s entry into the festival is appropriate.
Accommodation, Travel & Transfers
Parents are responsible for these arrangements per the standard U14 and U17 EFC circuit events.
However, the EFC requires accreditation for their event, and fencers must participate in the opening ceremony (see schedule below), which must be factored into travel arrangements.
A copy of the current competition information can be found here:
Additional Requirements from Organisers
Please note the variation in the equipment rules and ensure that your equipment meets the required standards.
Tracksuits on Podiums – Full tracksuits are required on podiums. Fencers are encouraged to wear their club tracksuits or ADP tracksuits if they own one. Alternatively, fencers can purchase and wear the GBR development range – link to purchase here.
Expression window opens | 13/05/2024 |
Expression window closes | 5pm on 24/05/2024 |
Review Expressions of interest | 27/05/2024 |
Invitations on Sport80 | 28/05/2024 |
Invitations Close | 31/05/2024 |
If you believe your fencer meets the criteria set out above and would like to express their interest, click here:
If you have any questions relating to this post, please submit them to us via the form, and a member of the GBR Support Team will come back to you: Pathway/GBR Query Form
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