Maggie Maynard reports back from Eger with a round up of GBR’s results at the Zsolt Kaposvari Memorial World Cup, held between the 17th and 20th November 2022.
Fencing started at 9am on Thursday 17th November with Dimitri Coutya and Shah Rashid competing in Men’s Foil Cat B, Gemma Collis and Emily Holder in the Women’s Epee Cat A, Justine Moore in Women’s Epee Cat B and Piers Gilliver, Oliver Lam Watson and Josh Waddell in the Men’s Epee Cat A.
Dimitri won GOLD, Piers won GOLD and Gemma won BRONZE.
Friday 18th saw nearly everyone in action again. Men’s Foil Cat A was fenced by Piers Gilliver, Oliver Lam Watson and Josh Waddell, the Men’s Epee Cat B by Dimitri Coutya and Shah Rashid. The Women’s Sabre Cat A was fenced by Gemma Collis and Susanne Seddon-Cowell.
On Saturday 19th Emily Holder and Susanne Seddon-Cowell were in action in the Women’s Foil Cat A. Justine Moore fenced in the Women’s Foil Cat B, Piers Gilliver in the Men’s Sabre Cat A, and Shah Rashid in the Men’s Sabre Cat B.
On Sunday, the team was due to fence in the Women’s Team Foil event. Unfortunately, due to an injury which was exacerbated during the warm-up sessions, we had to withdraw from the event. The team were very disappointed to miss this, but were aware of the Europeans next week, and wanted to be in the best shape possible for that very important event.
The referees for GBR were Sean Grundy and Kola Ayanwale. Kola had his Epee Licence confirmed, and was able to do more work towards his Foil and Sabre licences, which he is keen to obtain as soon as possible. It will be great to welcome another 2- or 3-weapon Para Referee, and we are lucky to have Kola for Epee already.
Provided by Maggie Maynard.
Featured photo: Maggie Maynard.
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