On the 30th November 2015 British Fencing received a letter from FIE to announce the launch of its new fencing academy in Budapest; an academy that is dedicated to coach education. British Fencing also has the opportunity to nominate a suitable candidate to attend their coach education course starting in January 2016.
The FIE will support the candidates with all course costs, accommodation and food, with an additional €200 to cover travel costs. Any additional costs will need to be met by the individual. There are no additional subsidies available from British Fencing.
This course starts on the 6th January and will run over 3 months. The candidates are expected to arrive on the 5th January and depart on the 3rd April.
The FIE are looking to recruit twenty-four participants from the National Federations, eight per weapon.
This is all the information that national associations have been provided with so far. The successful candidate will receive more information regarding the content of the course nearer the time.
If you wish to be considered as a suitable candidate and be put forward for this opportunity, please complete and return the application form to [email protected] before 9am on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Click for Application Form.
Information about the course is limited at this time, but if you have any questions, please contact Steve Kemp, T: 07702687289 E: [email protected]