At the recent meeting of the FIE Executive Committee the decision was taken to postpone resumption of FIE competitions until 1st January 2021
(Taken from the FIE letter available here)
“The FIE Executive Committee has reassessed the world situation linked to the COVID-19 according to the following criteria:
The FIE Medical Commission was also consulted. The current situation in the world is as follows: health regulations and provisions remain very different from country to country and are in a state of permanent fluctuation. Quarantines and other binding sanitary measures are sometimes mandatory. There are significant travel and traffic restrictions. Athlete training has not resumed its normal pace in a number of countries. Some organisers cancelled their competitions in November or December while others are not yet able to confirm them.
In the light of the above, and in order to protect the health of athletes and participants and not to penalise any federation, the FIE Executive Committee decided to postpone the date for the resumption of competitions to 1 January 2021.
The FIE Sport Department will send the current calendar to all Federations, as well as an explanatory chart showing how the senior rankings will work for the current season.
The Executive Committee has taken the measures below to help overcome current difficulties and to allow tournaments to resume under satisfactory conditions.”
The full letter can be found here.