Following step 4 of the roadmap in England and feedback through Community Discussion Events, the BF Indoor Competitive Fencing Event Protocols have been updated.
The updated Indoor Fencing Competitive Event Protocol document lays out the measures that should be taken by event organisers, fencers, clubs, officials, volunteers, coaches, and spectators before, during, and after all organised fencing competition activity from 19th July in England.
These measures are expected to form the minimum standards for all events across the UK, noting that Home Country government and local restrictions may require additional measures to be put into place.
These event protocols have been updated in discussion with event organisers and volunteers and will be subject to a regular review in light of feedback from participants and wider assessment of risk.
Whilst many of the mitigating measures provided within the document are no longer required by law in England, it is important organisers continue to protect their staff, volunteers, participants, and spectators by following mitigation measures.
We are mindful that whilst many of our community members are vaccinated, events frequently involve younger members (whether as referees, coaches or participants) and that vaccinated people still can carry and pass on the virus. As we re-start our sport we believe it is vital that we protect our younger members of the community as infections rates are still rising.
As a result, all indoor events with a Competitive Event Licence must require face coverings, when not fencing/exercising for all participants (unless exempt or U12).
Event organisers can choose to extend this policy to those 12 and under. Organisers of other recreational events must risk assess their events and if the event they decide face coverings are not required make a written note of the factors which led to the decision which should also be clearly communicated to all participants in advance.
A summary of the following changes:
It is important event organisers list the mitigation procedures in place at their event on entry information so volunteers, referees, and participants can make an informed decision on whether they wish to attend and know what measures are expected to be in place at the event.
This guidance will be reviewed on a regular basis, with opportunities for discussion of the guidance and to share examples of best practices with Event Organisers, Event Volunteers, and Referees. The first review will be scheduled for mid-September 2021, with further details to follow.
Please note, as per our previous announcements, additional risk mitigation measures remain in place following risk assesment process for BRCs held on 24th and 25th July 2021. Further information can be found here:
If you have any questions on the document or returning to events, please contact [email protected]
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