BF is delighted to announce the GB League, a new initiative to encourage members back into affiliated club fencing once restrictions are lifted.
In anticipation of the restrictions around participating in sport lifting across the UK later in 2021, BF is delighted to announce a new initiative to encourage members back into affiliated club fencing with the launch of the GB League.
The GB League is a new recreational league which will see BF members (recreational level and above) earn league points for participating in competitive club fencing in designated league sessions held by affiliated clubs.
Georgina Usher, BF CEO, said, “One of our top priorities this year is to support our clubs as they restart and rebuild. The new GB League offering forms part of our work to encourage members back into club fencing by creating fun opportunities for club fencers to earn GB league points for competitive sparring at club nights.”
The GB League will remove traditional boundaries of age groups and gender as any 5 hit or 15 hit match between two fencers in a league session will earn both fencers one or more league points which in turn will contribute to overall GB League national leader boards in Epee, Foil & Sabre.
Logistically, running a GB League session is as simple as running a normal competitive fencing club session, with no formal requirements for referees, piste layouts or timed bouts. Organisers will also have access to GB League asset packs, which will include ‘how to’ guides (eg how to register your session and return your results) and social media promotion templates (to use in promoting your club’s league sessions).
The GB League is powered by Playwaze, a digital activity platform customised for our use. Clubs will use Playwaze to set up their sessions, take entries (and payments if the club chooses to charge an entry fee) and enter results. Participants can download the app and use it to set up their own profiles and view the latest GB League Leaderboards.
Hannah Gavin, Development Officer Clubs and Regions, said, “We appreciate that many clubs are adapting to different restrictions and not all will be able to re-start/re-open at the same time. Once clubs are able to offer competitive sparring we’d encourage them to contact us and get involved with the GB League.”
Thank to support from the National Lottery there will be no charges set by BF for participation by BF affiliated clubs and members (recreational or above) in 2021. Clubs may choose to apply a small additional fees to their members and apply their standard club visitor fees.
Information about the GB League, including a webinar for clubs can be found here, at the GB League Zone.
Further information on Format, Rules and Regulations, and an FAQs page coming soon.