I write to members with announcements on behalf of the Board. First, the General Meeting – since we announced the date of October 13, in London, there have been a number of requests from members for a delay till the following week, because of clashes with events round the country. October of course is a busy month in our calendar but we have decided it’s reasonable to put the Meeting back a week. So, the 2012 General Meeting of British Fencing will take place in London at 11.30am on Saturday October 20th. The venue is expected to be the offices of the British Olympic Association but this will be confirmed in the next few days. This General Meeting will have the usual formal business, and the opportunity for any general discussion, but there will be no new and specific resolutions requiring member votes. The meeting will introduce the four new Board Directors who are elected and thank formally those standing down.
Second, I can also announce dates and venues for the new series of Roadshows to discuss current matters with members;-
David Teasdale
Chair, British Fencing
07803 891623