23/10/2012- Latest News


Saturday October 20th

At the first meeting last Saturday of the British Fencing Board since recent elections, the following were the key points discussed and agreed:-

  • Finance; the Board noted an initial oral report from the new Interim CEO, Peter King, and the important concerns raised in the AGM that morning.  The next Board meeting early in November will review finances and accounts in detail, with the help of Andrew Brannon, BF Chair of Finance & Audit;
  • Board work programme; the Chair will prepare a draft for Board approval at the next meeting. An assessment of Directors’ skill set will be conducted by November and will inform decisions then on Directors’ specific roles.  The new Board Induction programme was confirmed;
  • Fencing National Centre; Directors noted the Chair’s verbal progress report on this project, aimed primarily at providing the elite training venue required for the World Class Programme;
  • WCP Review; The Board noted the oral, initial report from Peter King  –  for further Board discussion, depending on the UK Sport funding decisions;
  • Bid for World Championships 2015; final decision to be made in next few days, based on further documents to be circulated;
  • FIE nominations; the Board agreed to add Keith Smith to the British Fencing nominations (for the refereeing arbitrage) to the FIE; they also decided that all BF nominees will sign a new code of conduct, to include reporting requirements.


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