I should brief all British Fencing members on yesterday’s Board meeting and some important decisions. First, our CEO Piers Martin announced his resignation, after over four years overseeing a key period of change. In that time, our funding resources have more than doubled, with new income from public and private sources, bringing new opportunities and development. He has given terrific service to the sport; we shall miss him.
So, we shall be looking for a new CEO, to take the sport forward – and of course there will also soon be a new Board of Directors, as the planned Board restructure takes place between October and March. We will announce election details soon for the first four elections to the Board (to replace the four Directors standing down at the October General Meeting). Information about the CEO post will be announced in the Autumn, with an early opportunity for members to apply. The CEO appointment will be made by the new Board, to start we hope by April 2013.
To help me as Chair oversee the CEO and Board transition, the Board has appointed Peter King as Interim CEO. Peter has a unique track record as CEO of British Cycling during its development into the highly successful governing body we all know today. We look forward to welcoming him to British Fencing on 1 October.
Finally, the Board agreed to postpone the proposed Article and other changes (recently withdrawn from the May EGM) until they have been reviewed by the new Board of Directors. The final package should come for member approval to the General Meeting in October 2013. I have managed to agree this delay in governance changes with our funding partners.
Now for the 2012 Olympic Games – here at last! We have striking new posters and postcards for clubs to use; there will be GBR supporter T-shirts and kit available at the Games (do see the Kitlocker notice on this website); and don’t miss the British Fencing stand at the London Pleasure Gardens.
I close with wholehearted good luck wishes, from all Directors, to our GB fencing team at the Games.
David Teasdale
Chair, British Fencing
Any queries on this message – call me on 07803 891623