I write to remind all members that an EGM of British Fencing will be held next Saturday, 19 May at 11am at the offices of the British Olympic Association.
As you know, there have been various reviews conducted by the Board in the last 12 months, as part of our vital “Green” (for good governance) agenda, with a strong and continuing objective of improving our service and value to members. To achieve these improvements (and retain the support of our public funders and commercial sponsors), we need members’ consent to amendments to the British Fencing Articles, which is the purpose of the EGM.
Having met some of you at my recent Roadshows and in other meetings, all designed to explain and discuss the need for the changes we propose, I know there are important and valuable contributions to hear. The EGM is a great opportunity to get your points across, so please do come if you can, or register a proxy vote.
The EGM will be held at the offices of the British Olympic Association in Charlotte Street, London, starting at 11am. There will be coffee before and a buffet lunch afterwards – and plenty of opportunity for debate in between! The link to the formal notice with all the details is below. You can register a proxy vote.
Click here to go to the formal notice
On behalf of the Board, I shall be happy to discuss any points on the phone any time this week – do call.
David Teasdale
Chair, British Fencing
07803 891623