1. Under 13 Rule
The FIE rule requires a fencer to be 13 by 1st January (ie. before 1st Jan) in order to compete in any FIE events in that calendar year . (This includes the Cadet World Championships).
The International Youth Committee (IYC) and National Academy (NA) have agreed to change the BF rule to comply with the FIE rule for all events that can include adults ie all senior and junior (U20) competitions. So, for example, a fencer who was born in 2000 will not be able to enter any senior or junior events until 2014.
This does not apply to any UK cadet events but see 2 below.
2. Minimum Age for Cadet events
The European Fencing Confederation requires a fencer to be 11 on 1st January in order to compete in any EFC Cadet Circuit events in that calendar year. It was agreed to apply the same rule to all UK cadet events and this will comply better with our long term athlete development programme.
This rule came into force on 1.9.12