23/01/2013- Latest News



Didier Ollagnon to deliver coaching master class in March 2013

Didier Ollagnon, who is the German Senior National Epee coach, will be delivering an elite level coach educator clinic at Millfield School on 10th March 2013.  This clinic is aimed at all ambitious epee coaches in the country to give them an insight into the skills and training methodology required for performance at the highest level.  Please follow the links below to apply for this clinic.


Didier Ollagnon has coached at the highest level for some time.  Originally he coached in his homeland, France, before moving to Switzerland.  In 2008, he moved to Germany to take over the National Squad.

He currently coaches at the world famous fencing centre at Tauberbischofsheim working on a daily basis with the likes of Joerg Fiedler (2011 European Champion), Martin Schmitt (2010 World Championship finalist) and Sven Schmid (2009 European Champion). 

The Day

Start: 09.30

Lunch: 12.30 – 13.30

End: 17.30

The day will focus on coaching and training techniques that can produce success at the highest level.  The emphasis will be on the skills cadet fencers need now to be good senior fencers in the future.

Coaches should be working with competitive fencers and are welcome to bring competent fencers with them to gain experience.  Coaches will need to bring coaching kit for individual coaching and lunch is included in the fee.  Fencers will need to bring their own kit and their own food or pay £10 to cover lunch on the day.  We will need to be made aware of any dietary requirements or medical conditions in advance of the day.


The training will take place in Millfield School’s purpose built fencing salle in the tennis centre block. Millfied School, Street, Somerset, BA16 0YD.  You can see full details and get driving directions at http://www.millfieldschool.com/sport/facilities.htm.

Cost and Application

The day will cost:-

£10 for coaches who are part of the National Academy Expert Coach Group or have coached on a National Academy Summer or Winter training camp

£40 for coaches on the British Fencing coach register (which can be seen at http://www.britishfencing.com/courses/coach/coach_register)

£65 for everybody else

This price includes lunch. Please note places will be limited so apply early to avoid dissappointment.

For applications please complete the online application at www.fencingcompetitionentries.co.uk by the 24th Feb.  Late applications will be accepted but will cost an additional £10.  Please make sure you enter in the correct category.

You can also post the form below to: Neil Brown, British Fencing, 1 Baron’s Gate, 33-35 Rothschild Road, London, W4 5HT to arrive by the 20th February 2013.

For further information please contact: Neil Brown on 07590 046892 or [email protected].

British Fencing is committed to providing equal opportunities for all and is committed to following best practice in the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults. For further information please consult: www.britishfencing.com

If you would like this form in an alternative format please contact HQ to discuss your requirements.  


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