The options on our answering service have been changed following feedback from members. Members are reminded to leave a message or send us an email as we are a small team and may not always be able to answer the phone when you call.
During COVID BF introduced a new answering service enabling diverting calls to the office to be directed to staff mobiles wherever they are working.
With a small team of around 21 people, some of whom work part time, we aren’t always able to answer your call immediately. If that is the case we recommend that you leave a message and we will call back. Note that we don’t have a person employed in the office to answer the phone and and redirect calls and queries – the call options are set up to ensure that any message you leave will be directed automatically and reach the staff members best able to support you.
Before calling us we strongly recommend checking our CONTACT US page. On that page you will find forms for requesting support (for the most common reasons for calling us) which will ensure that your request will be sent to the team or staff member with the information they need to take action. You will also find the main support email addresses on this page.
The new options available on 020 8742 3032 are:
For any other queries please leave a voicemail under option 5 or send an email to [email protected].
Finally we would really appreciate your help to make this process efficient and in that way allow us to support as many of our members as possible:
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