Once an athlete has purchased an FIE license, the nationality on their license is fixed and can only be changed in limited circumstances.

The rules around changing representational nationality are set by the FIE and information is available on the FIE website.  (Chapter 9.2 of the FIE Statutes and Chapter 1.4 of the FIE Administrative Rules).

Additional rules exist around Nationality changes for the Games (IOC, EOC, IPC), athletes should contact [email protected] for more information.)

Under certain circumstances athletes may apply to change their nationality. Typically (except in limited cases eg marriage) there is a 3 year waiting period where athletes must not fence in any FIE competition.

It is possible for this period to be reduced provided all parties – original federation, new federation, athlete (or guardian in the case of U18s) agree.

Once an athlete has made one nationality change there are no current circumstances under which they are permitted to change again.

BF will consider all requests to waive or reduce the three year period from athletes wishing to change nationalities. This consideration process can take up to 12 weeks depending on the circumstances (see below).

In the event that BF agree to reduce the waiver period, athletes will have restrictions with regards to participation in FIE events for any remaining waiver period.

All communications to BF should be sent to [email protected] with ‘NATIONALITY CHANGE/SURNAME’ in the title.

Changing from GBR to another nation

GBR athletes that have benefitted from public funded talent and performance programmes and have represented GBR at the highest level (eg World/European Championships) within the last 3 years are unlikely to have requests to waive or reduce the waiting period granted.

Athletes that have only represented at FIE World Cups or Grand Prix’s should still expect to serve a portion of the waiting time.

Athletes that have changed nationality or are in the process of changing/waiting are not permitted to benefit from public funded BF programmes and services that are intended for GBR athletes. Therefore any formal participation in these programmes will cease and the athlete will no longer be eligible for related subsidies. Any other benefits (eg ranking points at closed Nationals) will also cease.

The process to change nationality is as follows:

  1. Athletes must contact the new Federation themselves, enclosing a valid copy of the passport of the country they are requesting a change to. The new Federation may have it’s own internal procedure to follow in dealing with such applications.
  2. Athletes should write a formal letter to BF requesting a change and the waiting period to be reduced/waived. They must enclose a valid copy of the passport of the country they are requesting a change to and contact details of the new federation. BF will provide a letter, agreeing to the change and any reduction in the waiting period (if applicable)
  3. The new Federation (the one requesting the change of nationality) must forward the following documents to the FIE:
    a letter from the new federation accepting the transfer and requesting the cancellation or reduction of the 3 year period only for just reasons;
    – a letter from the athlete requesting the change of nationality;
    – a letter from the former federation accepting the transfer and requesting the cancellation or reduction of the 3 year period only for just reasons;
    – a copy of the athlete’s valid identity document (passport, ID national card,) indicating his/her new nationality;
    – if the athlete is a minor, a letter from his/her parents requesting the change of nationality, and a photocopy of their passports;
    – if the new nationality has been obtained by marriage, a copy of the marriage certificate and its official translation into English, or French or Spanish.
  4. The FIE then processes the change and may request more information from the athlete

All communications to BF should be sent to [email protected] with ‘NATIONALITY CHANGE/SURNAME’ in the title.

Changing from another nation to GBR

The process to change nationality is as follows:

  1. Athletes must write a formal letter to British Fencing requesting the change, enclosing a valid copy of their British Passport with permission to pass this onto the FIE.
  2. Athletes should also write a formal letter to their current Federation requesting a change and if appropriate ask for the waiting period to be reduced/waived.
  3. Their current Federation must then write a letter to BF and the FIE, enclosing the athlete’s letter, agreeing to the change and any reduction in the waiting period (if applicable). Athletes are responsible for getting this letter and passing it to BF.
  4. British Fencing will then write to the FIE requesting the change – enclosing a valid copy of the athlete’s British Passport, the request from the athlete, and the letter from the current Federation agreeing to the change.
  5. The FIE then processes the change and may request more information from the athlete.

All communications to BF should be sent to [email protected] with ‘NATIONALITY CHANGE/SURNAME’ in the title.



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