Following the decision by Graham Paul to step down from acting as chair of REFCOM, British Fencing has started a review to ensure that an appropriate structure exists to support the needs and expectations of the fencing/refereeing community.
As a result of this review the following interim decisions have been made:
1. The executive administrative function based at Head Office will continue to co-ordinate and assist in the day to day administrative aspects of refereeing including FIE exam candidacy, Level 3+ CPD programs, management of the Pathway Program and referee grant applications.
2. The Referee Selection Committee consisting of Pat Casey (Chair), Oliver Smith and John Haynes will remain in place, following the recent extensive work to improve and document the associated policies and procedures available here. The Selection Committee will continue to work with the executive team when selecting referees for all international competitions. Where appropriate (ie where no conflict of interest exists) advice will be sought from current internationally active FIE referees with regards to EFC and Satellite selections.
3. The remaining aspects of the work of REFCOM will be split between a number of smaller REFCOM Working Groups. These will be established with applications sought from appropriately qualified referees. For example BF will be shortly advertising for applicants to form a Working Group for the restructuring of the Level 3 & 4 referee exams following a recent review of these exams. This is to bring the top level of national refereeing qualifications in line with the current requirements for the first level of International refereeing (EFC Category C) and ensure appropriate preparation and pathway to future FIE qualifications.
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