The weekend of the 9th and 10th of July marks the 70th Anniversary of the Winton Cup. The organisers are asking for images of the event from over the years, to be submitted by July 5th.
There is a plan to create a ‘River of Memories’ of the 70 years, in the form of images that can be put up around the venue. This will also create a historic record for the future.
The organisers are looking for pictures of teams and/or informal pictures from the weekend over the years. Ideally, with information of roughly when the picture was taken and, if possible, who is in it.
Rochelle Dazeley said, “We have some images but a lot of them are quite recent. There will be lots in albums, maybe up in a loft? We’ve got some great ones, we just need more, and we need them urgently – by 5th July please.”
Some pictures have already come in, like this one from 1951:
Or this one from 2007:
Please send your pictures to [email protected]
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