Today the results of the Sport England Active People Survey (APS) 9 Q4 results were released, covering the period 2014/15. More information can be found here.
This shows a decrease from last year in the number of people in England participating for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity at least once a week in Fencing.*
Over the last few years fencing results have fluctuated. A significant increase was demonstrated from APS 7 (10,000 people fencing in 2012/13) to APS 8 (21,700 people fencing in 2013/14).
APS 9 suggests 12,700 people fenced for at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity at least once a week in 2014/15. Therefore, over a 3-year period and according to APS, regular participation in fencing has grown steadily from 2012 to 2015.
However, we must remember that due to a smaller number of people taking part in our sport (compared to other Sport England funded sports) and due to sample size of APS, this result on its own is not a significant cause for concern in our sport. We remain fully committed to our new strategy to increase participation in fencing, which is already delivering positive results.
Starting on Sunday 13th December the British Fencing Development Team will be tweeting their ‘12 Days to Christmas’ to share with the membership and the British Fencing delivery partners how we have increased participation in the last 6 months alone. Before Christmas a Development Director update will also be posted on the British Fencing website, with a specific focus on Coaching Development.
*The figures presented are designated Official Statistics. A description of the Active People Survey can be found here.