(SOURCE: www.sportacrossstaffordshire.co.uk)
Sport Across Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent is pleased to announce the next round of Sportivate funding is now open.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 15th December 2014. (however District deadlines may be earlier so do read the Briefing Note and contact your District Local Lead for more information).
Sportivate funding is available to support projects that will run activity targeting 11-25year olds who are inactive/non sporty or inconsistently active/semi sporty (those who aren’t doing any or only doing very small amounts of physical activity). Activity should run for 6-8 weeks, and must lead to a clearly identified exit route so that participants continue to take part after their initial block of activity has finished.
Projects must be delivered between 1st April 2015 and March 31st 2016.
SASSOT is particularly interested in receiving applications for projects that target;
· Women and girls
· 19-25yr olds
· People with a disability
· Young people in areas of deprivation
· Young people not in education, employment or training (NEETS)
At a local level, the programme is co-ordinated by a Lead Organisation for each District, who is responsible for ensuring that what is offered locally is what young people want, and for engaging with other local organisations to deliver activity.
If an organisation wishes to deliver Sportivate projects in just one or two local areas (Local Authority districts), they will need to contact the Local Lead Organisations for the relevant areas to discuss this further and to see whether their potential project(s) meet locally-identified needs. If this is the case, they will be asked to complete a delivery plan for their project and to submit it to the Local Lead Organisation for consideration. See Section 9 of the Briefing Note for further information. Local Lead contacts can be found in section 11, or on the webpage ../Sportivate/Contacts
If NGBs or other organisations wish to deliver Sportivate projects in three or more local areas (Local Authority districts) they may wish to consider applying for funding from the sub-regional pot. We recommend that they contact SASSOT to discuss their project before submitting an application. A delivery plan (using a standard template) will need to be completed and submitted to SASSOT by 15th December 2014.
Please go to the following this weblink where you will find all the following information:
Please note the application forms for Year 5 are coloured PINK. Please delete any old versions of this form that you have.