How do you coach young people when life changes?
Young people’s lives are full of change. If you think about what change a young person faces between the ages of 11 to 25 years it is completely transforming.
In collaboration with Sport England, sports coach UK has created its third in a series of three animations, this time featuring how to help with life changes.
Managing these life changes or transitions is one of the main reasons why young people stop playing sport. On the flip side it can also be a time when a new sporting habit can be formed.
The changes faced might include starting or changing schools, going through puberty, changing friendship groups, getting a phone and having an online presence on social media, all the way to moving out of home, going to college, starting work or having a family.
As a coach you play a critical role in helping a young person maintain their sporting habit. You can help young people deal with change and uncertainty by providing information, emotional support and guidance.
Nicola White is a Development Lead Officer at sports coach UK. She said; ‘How do you coach young people when life changes’ is all about encouraging youth coaches to think about the changing lives and needs of young people and how it affects them taking part in sport and physical activity.
“By considering the physical, emotional and environmental changes coaches are more likely to support young people and keep them taking part.”
To find out more about supporting young people through their life transitions check out sports coach UK’s latest animation. There is also more supporting guidance and top tips available.
Short news articles / Spotlight highlight / Discussion or forum topic
Young people’s lives are full of change. These life changes are one of the main reasons why young people stop playing sport. However this time of change can also be when a new sporting habits are formed.
A good start to helping young people manage change in their life is to
sports coach UK and Sport England have created a short animation and a supporting document to give you some more ideas of what you can do to help young people keep taking part through these many and varied changes. Share your own ideas at #UnmissableSport.
Bite Size Learning created for youth coaches
Have you seen the latest sports coach UK and Sport England short animation and supporting guidance that will help you understand how to support young people to keep taking part when their live changes. View your latest bite sized learning.
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