HQ staff put through their paces by Head Coach
On 21st November, 2013, British Fencing’s Head Office staff were given a fencing taster session by new Head Coach, Andrey Klyushin.
Before the session started the staff were given a tour of the impressive fencing set-up at Lee Valley Athletics Centre by Performance Director, Alex Newton and Programme and Logistics Manager, Maxine McCombie. Whilst no “trade secrets” were given away, the staff were taken around the medical facilities, gym, performance analysis suite, recovery room and the fencing training area. They then had an opportunity to watch some of the World Class team training.
After their monthly staff meeting everyone moved back to the training area. A thorough warm-up and stretch was conducted by Strength & Conditioning Coach, James Phillips followed by a footwork session given by Andrey.
Everyone was then kitted up and given a brief introduction to the rules before being let loose on the pistes. Given that five members of staff had fenced at a high level, those that had not were well looked after and gently eased into the sport. It wasn’t long though before everyone wanted to fight. Notable performances from Charlie Miller (Workforce and Business Development Coordinator) and David Moseley (Accountant) was only topped by a bout between Peter King (CEO) and Alex Newton (Performance Director). Alex won!
The day was a great success and some tired but happy members of staff left Lee Valley having been given an insight to the sport and our World Class set up. Speaking about the taster session, Chief Executive, Peter King said; “It was important to give the members of staff an insight into the sport that we are working for and to see the facilities that we have put in place for our World Class team. Clearly they enjoyed fencing and Andrey was a superb tutor. Special thanks also goes to James Phillips for running the warm-up and Maxine McCombie for arranging the whole day. It was an inspiring day for everyone concerned.”
A brief highlights video can be found here.