Strategic Outcomes Announced for Talent Pathway
One month into my new role, having had the chance to do a review of the Talent Programmes, I thought it would be useful to update and clarify the work priorities for the next six months. In addition it is a good opportunity to provide answers to some questions that have consistently arisen in my first month in post.
The agreed strategic outcome for the Talent Prorgammes, which has been agreed with Sport England, is to achieve repeatable World medal success at Junior level by 2020. A key part of this is to provide the right international opportunities, at the right time, for the athletes.
With this in mind, as highlighted in the notes that accompanied the junior selection document, we envisage several changes to the way the current International opportunities are accessed in the long term to ensure that we maximise these opportuntites to deliver our overall strategic goal.
There are three operational priorities for the Talent Programmes as we head into the final year of the funding cycle:-
1. Review and implementation of the structure within TIC/Talent:
2. Detailed athlete profiles to be developed and agreed with Sport England:
3. Review and implement individual athlete plans:
Finally, we want to create an environment that will challenge and educate our talented fencers to ensure that they can become the best in the world, rewarding those who are following the British Fencing values of Honesty, Respect and Excellence.
For further information please contact James Taylor, Talent Pathway Manager.
+44 (0) 7538 239383