The Board of British Fencing, in conjunction with the Home Country Associations (Scotland, England, NI and Wales) has agreed that BF will no longer run or license the running of a National or British Championships at U10 level.
BF and the Home Countries would like to take this opportunity to thank the competition organisers who have run these events in the past.
It is the view of BF and the Home Countries, based on the latest evidence and research about participation and performance, that fencing for children under the age of 10 should primarily be about having fun and getting opportunities to practice their skills without the pressure of competing in or winning a National/British Championships. Young fencers should also be encouraged to participate in a variety of sports. If parents and coaches do wish their children to compete they are encouraged to do so at a developmentally appropriate inter school/local/regional level competition.
BF and the Home Countries would like to encourage more event organisers to consider holding events for young fencers using formats which focus on ensuring that every fencer receives a consistent high quality of participation experience and the same amount of fencing irrespective of their relative ability. We will be looking at how we can facilitate a conversation with our communities to explore alternative formats that deliver this for our young fencers.
Clarification 12/07/18: For the avoidance of doubt please note BF will still license U10 competitions, but we will not be licensing a British/National Championships for this age group.