UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) is pleased to announce the launch of a new 100% me eLearning course for athletes on the Clean Sport Hub.
Compete Clean+ is UKAD’s athlete eLearning. It contains 11 modules which explore Anti-Doping topics including athletes’ rights under the World Anti-Doping Code, UK Anti-Doping Rules, the Prohibited List, checking medications and supplements, the Testing Process and how to report concerns around doping in sport (Protect Your Sport).
The new eLearning course is aimed at athletes competing within a national or international setting however it is open to recreational or talent pool athletes too. The course provides key information and tools to support you to understand the rules and your responsibilities within clean sport.
The modules are presented in a set order, where you are required to complete one to progress to the next one. Athletes can complete the course at their own pace.
UKAD’s Head of Education, Paul Moss said: “We are delighted to launch this free-to-access 100% me athlete eLearning course on the Clean Sport Hub, the course has been designed to be flexible to complete the modules at a time and place that suits the athlete.”
The Clean Sport Hub is UKAD’s online platform for clean sport education. All eLearning is free and tailored for different roles within sport, including Athlete Support Personnel and Coaches. You can complete the modules in steps, saving your progress along the way.
To register and start your learning, visit UKAD’s page About the Clean Sport Hub.
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