BF support the Muslim Scout Fellowship with their hugely successful virtual summer camp.
With lockdown putting a stop to all forms of social gatherings for young people, Scouting opportunities across the world have been hit particularly hard. During the summer term, 100’s of volunteers would normally have been busy planning and running Jamboree’s, camps and events all across the country for 1000’s of excited young Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, but for many organisers this year, Covid-19 has firmly put the brakes on and stopped Scouting events from taking place.
However, for many event organisers, the pandemic has not got in the way of ensuring the young people they support still get access to the range of incredible opportunities offered to them. By moving events online, a number of events have still been able to take place. The Muslim Scout Fellowship (MSF) did just that and over the weekend of 8th August, they delivered their Summer Camp online.
Operating for over 20 years, the MSF is the UK’s official body for all Muslim adults who are active in Scouting and are part of the Scout Association in the UK. MSF has grown from 900 members back in 2010, to an incredible 6000 strong membership in 2020.
MSF’s online summer camp was viewed by a staggering 18,000 people from across the world, with Scouts from Canada, Indonesia, Cambodia and Azerbaijan tuning in. BF was pleased to be able to support this event and over the weekend Robina from Youth2Legends delivered a fun and engaging fencing session, that for many would have been their first experience of fencing.
Nisbah Hussain, Head of Marketing for MSF and Regional Scout Commissioner for the North West said, “Scouting is all about giving endless opportunities to young people and opening doors. Working with British Fencing, it’s been amazing to come across another organisation who share the passion to empower young people and ensuring access is being given to all, especially those in hard to reach communities. Having Binni lead the event was a true highlight as we often lack role models for young people from a variety of communities. Hearing her story and seeing her in action has inspired a new generation to look into the sport.”
Virginia Bailey, Head of Participation at BF said “The dedication, commitment and drive of volunteers like Nisbah to make sure no young person misses out is always very humbling to see. We are really pleased that Binni was able to provide many youngsters with the opportunity to try fencing, even if it was with a wooden spoon in their front room! We are looking forward to developing our relationship with MSF and ensuring all young people have the opportunity to take part in this brilliant sport.”