James Taylor, Talent Pathway Manager, will leave British Fencing at the end of June to fulfil a contract within the UCI. As you may know, James is as an ex professional cyclist and whilst he is disappointed to leave fencing at this time, this is a fantastic opportunity for him within his own sport of cycling which he wishes to pursue. We will certainly miss James and the passion and energy that he brings to performance sport and the talent programmes.
Given James’s resignation, we are taking the opportunity, with Sport England to undertake a review of the Talent Programmes following this years Junior World Championships and the publication of their new strategy. The review with any proposed plans for the changes to the operational delivery of the the Talent Programmes will be presented to the British Fencing Board meeting in July. This will provide you with the direction and focus of the Talent Programmes at each level of the Pathway over the coming year and what you can expect we will be including in our submission for funding proposal to Sport England for the next cycle.
There have been some dates set for the Talent Summer Camp, but given James’s departure and the review of the Programmes alongside the clash of dates with a number of other club based camps, please note that we have decided to postpone the talent summer camp for this year. There are a number of other camps happening over the summer period. Below is a list (not exhaustive) of some of the camps happening around the country:
Fighting Fit
International Summer Camp – London
Sabre High Performance Camp, Grantham 1-5 August
Leon Paul Camp
Millfield Camp
Truro Fencing Club
Indigo Escrime
3 Weapon Training – Summer 2016
Alex Newton
Performance Director, June 2016
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