For access to the Field of Play at the 2022 British Senior Championships, Team Championships and GB Cup, coaches and parents/carers wishing to provide piste-side support are required to apply for accreditation.
Applications are now open and will close at 5pm on Tuesday the 31st May 2022, at which point no further applications will be accepted.
There will be no access to the Field of Play for coaches or parents/carers during the poules.
Please note that athletes are expected to be capable of participating in a poule without coaching support. If an athlete requires additional (non-coaching) Field of Play assistance during the poules, please contact [email protected] to discuss appropriate arrangements.
From the DE stages, the following process will be in place:
- All those applying for a Field of Play accreditation (coaches or parents/carers) must be a BF member and agree to the BF Code of Conduct.
- Coaches applying for accreditation are required to be on the BF Coach Register and must be visible in the “Coach Search” function on the BF Website
- Each athlete will be allowed ONE accredited piste-side supporter (coach or parent/carer), at any one time on the Field of Play, during the DE.
- Dependent on the venue, there may be designated areas for those with accreditation to stand during bouts.
- They will be granted access for the duration of their athlete’s bout only and must leave the Field of Play once the bout has finished.
- If individuals remain on the Field of Play despite being asked to leave by an official, they will have their accreditation removed. Referees and the event team, have the right to remove accreditation from people in these instances.
- Accredited individuals are expected to cooperate with referees and the event team throughout the duration of the event.
- There will be a zero-tolerance approach towards abuse directed at referees and the event team. You may also face additional disciplinary action by BF if you fail to comply with the procedures in place.
- Individuals applying for accreditation are accepting that they are personally responsible for upholding the Field of Play rules and should not wait until an official reminds them they are required to leave the field of play.
The markings for the Field of Play will be clearly displayed throughout the venue.
BF are committed to improving the sustainability of our events, therefore all individuals are required to return their accreditation before leaving the venue. Each accreditation will be unique and assigned to a single individual/athlete.
Accreditation Application Form
If you have any questions regarding the accreditation process, please contact general enquiries
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