The Pathway Context

Funding and delivery models for the lower ends of performance pathways in sport varies across Home Nations.

We have chosen to define our pathway model independently from funding and funding strategies. This provides the opportunity to define how athletes should progress through the sport without the constraints and requirements imposed on the model by successive funding strategies .

Our objective is therefore to deliver “One connected pathway, one connected programme, supported by multiple income/funding streams accessible to GBR athletes (irrespective of Home Nation) – DiSE, Sport England Talent, Charity donations, Patrons, Sponsorship, UK Sport

In order to apply for funding we need to demonstrate how our athlete pathway sits in the context of Sport England/Home Nation and UK Sport Athlete Development Pathways. The diagram below demonstrates how the main elements of the pathway map to Sport England’s Talent Pathway, DiSE and UK Sport Confirmation, Academy and Podium funding opportunities.


Working with Home Nation Fencing Associations 

Eligibility to join BF’s Athlete Development Programme is not restricted by Home Nation affiliation. However the scope within the programme to provide development opportunities can be impacted by funding restrictions.

This is particularly noticeable in the lower stages of the pathway:

  • British Fencing (BF) receives Sport England Talent investment. This investment is used to deliver programme activities (such as camps) in England to those athletes age 15 and over on the Athlete Development Programme.
  • Scottish Fencing (SF) receive separate investment from sportscotland to deliver activities in Scotland to meet the needs of Scottish athletes including those in the performance pathway that cannot travel to England to participate in programme activities.
  • Remaining Home Nations do not have performance pathway programmes and athletes & coaches can access the BF Athlete Development Programme – although they may not be eligible to the same Sport England grants and subsidies available to English athletes.


Eligibility for UK Sport funding is not impacted by an athlete’s Home Nation.


Return to the Pathway Zone to find out more about the Athlete Development Pathway.

Return to ‘The ADP Zone‘ to find out more information about the work that we do.



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