On 26th and 27th August 2023, BF will run the second Athlete Development experience camp for wheelchair fencers as part of the Athlete Development Programme (ADP). This will be run alongside the standing fencing ADP camp at the David Ross Sports Village/University of Nottingham, and will build upon the work of the previous camp as well as introduce new wheelchair fencers to the existing cohort.
Is this experience for me?
As with the previous ADP experience, there are currently no specific selection criteria for participants and you do not need to have attended any previous camp in order to come to this one: we ask that you come prepared to work hard over the weekend and use it as an opportunity to meet and network with other wheelchair fencers. The experience will cater to all weapons, and fencers will be supported to explore disciplines other than their primary weapon should they choose.
What happens on an ADP camp?
Fencers will have the opportunity to take part in sparring sessions as well as dedicated tactical workshops exploring elements of their competitive game. We will be using this experience to build on previous camps’ work on distance, as well as explore the tactical choices that this changing distance offers. We will also be supporting fencers to create their own warm up routines for training and competition.
Outside of fencing, there will be workshops with mentors from the True Athlete Project (www.thetrueathleteproject.org) who will help fencers explore aspects of the sport off the piste and provide them with tools to enhance their fencing experience. The camp will be staffed by British Fencing ADP coaches who have experience working with wheelchair fencers in their own clubs and at competitions.
Where will the camp be held?
The event will be held at the David Ross Sports Village, part of Nottingham University (Map HERE). Fencers will be able to make use of the state-of-the-art facilities on the campus and train alongside standing fencers from the standing ADP, joining them in athlete support sessions and exploring joint training opportunities.
Main access to the sports complex is here (https://w3w.co/seat.giant.woof), and will be used as the main entrance and exit each day. Accessible parking can be found here (https://w3w.co/nets.cycles.loyal), on the left past the main entrance.
Start and finish times for Saturday and Sunday are the same;
Arrive 0900 for a 0930 start
Finish 1700
What should I bring?
There is a café on site selling hot food and drink during the daytime, but fencers are welcome to bring their own food if they wish. Food will be provided in the morning and evening at the official accommodation; snacks for breaks in training are recommended.
If you have any questions or support needs regarding the below please get in touch; we will be able to source kit and chairs if required, but please let us know if advance. In particular, if you have your own fencing chair we ask that you bring it along so you can train in the most familiar kit, and loaner chairs can be distributed to those who need them the most.
All wheelchair accessible on-site accommodation in the university halls has now been allocated; if you would like to stay in one of the remaining non-accessible rooms please contact [email protected] before Tuesday 15th August. Please note that these rooms do not have any modifications such as lowered bathrooms facilities, wet rooms/seated showers, or widened doors.
Further accessible accommodation is available in nearby hotels including;
The Orchard
Travelodge Wollaton Park
Premier Inn Nottingham Castle Marina
These hotels have handrails, lowered beds and facilities, and in some cases wet rooms rather than baths. If you have queries about the exact provision we suggest that you contact the hotels directly to discuss your needs.
How do I sign up?
To sign up please use the link here.
If you have any questions or concerns about the camp, including suitability, accommodation, or camp content please click here.
To learn more about British Fencing’s ADP project as a whole, please click here.
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