Upcoming Community Discussion Event announced for event volunteers and referees to input into the latest indoor competitive event protocols document.
Following the recent COVID-19 Community Discussion Event and Sport England releasing guidance for step 4 here on 15th July, over the next few working days, we will be updating our indoor competitive event protocols.
We invite all competition volunteers and referees to join us to share their thoughts on the latest announcements and input suggestions into the indoor competitive event protocols.
The session will focus on the expected changes as announced here.
We believe it is still appropriate for fencing events to continue to put in place risk mitigation measures to reduce transmission risk and to protect the health and safety of all attending. In particular, we would like to speak to event volunteers and referees about several key aspects of competitions, including piste spacings, mask-wearing, and additional measures BF could put in place to protect event staff and volunteers.
This session is for all event volunteers and referees across all home countries and will include an update on proposed BF events for the remainder of 2021.
The event will take place on Wednesday 21st July 2021 at 6pm. The session will last roughly an hour. Sign up to attend the discussion here.
The session will take place via Zoom. Once you have registered for an event you will be sent the relevant login details and instructions on the day of the session. Further information on community discussion events can be found here.
If you have any queries regarding this and other announcements, please contact us using this form. Many of the queries we receive are answered in our guidance and resources here, so we strongly recommend reading this in advance of contacting us.
You can also subscribe to our new weekly summary email – The Fencing Digest – featuring the previous week’s latest news and announcements. Sign up here.