How do I register a GB League fixture?
To organise and run a GB League fixture BF affiliated clubs must register with BF. You can do this by completing a GB League Registration Form.
Once your registration form is accepted, BF will build the fixture on Playwaze and you will be given access to entry links and information.
Clubs do not need to do anything on their own Playwaze Club Profiles, the GB League runs on a different section of the platform.
Do I need to run a set number of GB League fixtures?
There is no requirement to run a set number of GB League fixtures, affiliated clubs can run as many as they would like. Most clubs tend to do weekly or monthly sessions that alternate between the 5 and 15 hit format.
Is there a fee to register to run a GB League fixture?
Currently, thanks to support from the National Lottery, there will be no charges set by BF for participation by affiliated clubs and members (Starter/Recreational level and above) in the GB League. This may change in the future, in light of the funding environment.
Can I charge entry fees?
Affiliated clubs may choose to charge a small additional fee, such as to cover additional venue costs, for GB League fixtures to their own members. Affiliated clubs may also apply their standard club visitor fee for visiting participants.
Entry fees can be taken through the Playwaze platform or offline.
If we are a smaller affiliated club can we still take part?
All BF affiliated clubs are encouraged to take part in the GB League. The emphasis is on fun and inclusion. Within GB League fixtures, fencers can fence as many opponants as they like or time allows. Allowing fencers from different sized clubs the same opportunity to gain points.
We don’t have computer access/wifi access at our venue, can we still take part?
The GB League is flexible, if clubs are unable to update the scores as the GB League fixture takes place, organisers can enter the results on the Playwaze platform after the session. BF will be on hand to help with any tech support.
Is there a deadline to join?
Currently there is no deadline to join the GB League. Affiliated clubs can register to run GB League fixtures when they are able to.
How do I enter a GB League fixture?
You can enter a GB League fixture via the Playwaze platform, via desktop or using the app. Here you are able to see all upcoming GB League fixtures.
How do I enter the GB League?
By entering a club’s GB League fixture you will automatically be entered into the National GB League. Points accrued from club GB League fixtures go towards your total GB League points shown on the leaderboards.
Do I have to attend a set number of fixtures?
There is no limit or requirement to enter a number of GB League fixtures. The format is flexible, with participants able to join in as much or as little as they want.
How do the points work?
Participants receive one point for every match they play and an extra two points for everyone that they win. There are no additional points gained for the number of hits scored in the GB League and it’s possible to just record the winner without the score line.
These points are then added to both the National Leaderboard and relevant Mini-League Leaderboard to create standings.
Can I enter both the 5-Hit and 15-Hit Leagues?
You can enter both the 5-Hit and 15-Hit leagues. Some clubs may run both leagues at the same fixture. Your points gained within each format will be added to the respective leaderboards.
Can I enter in more than one weapon?
You can enter the GB League in more than one weapon. Some clubs may run both leagues at the same fixture. Your points gained in each weapon will be added to the respective weapon GB leaderboards.
Where can I see the leaderboards?
GB League Leaderboards will be available within the GB League Community on the Playwaze platform and on our website.
Is there a deadline to join?
There is no deadline to join the GB League. You can join at any point. By entering a club’s GB League fixture you will automatically be entered into the national GB League.
There are three GB Mini Leagues in the season and each last for three months;
Will the GB League used for GBR Rankings and Selection?
No, the GB League is a recreational format, with an emphasis on fun and inclusion.