This page is intended for the athletes and coaches preparing for the Senior European Games 2023. Please check back to this page regularly for information updates.
(Last Updated 24.05.23)
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The European Games is a multi-sport event which will be held in Kraków, Poland from 21 June to 2 July 2023. The proposed schedule of the fencing competition can be found below. You can find out more about the European Games on the official website.
As the event is governed by the European Olympic Committees, selection to the event will be made by the British Olympic Association (the BOA). Nomination to the BOA will be made by British Fencing (BF) according to the approved Nomination Policy which contains standards and eligibility criteria (BOA, FIE & BF).
The Nomination standards were first published in September 2022 and can be found here.
European Games: 21 June to 2 July 2023
Proposed fencing competition dates: 25 to 30 June 2023
The proposed schedule for the fencing competition is:
Date | Weapons |
Sunday 25 June | Women’s Foil Men’s Sabre |
Monday 26 June | Women’s Epee Men’s Foil |
Tuesday 27 June | Women’s Sabre Men’s Epee |
Wednesday 28 June | Women’s Foil Team Men’s Sabre Team |
Thursday 29 June | Women’s Epee Team Men’s Foil Team |
Friday 30 June | Women’s Sabre Team Men’s Epee Team |
Competition Venue:
Tauron Arena Krakow
Stanisława Lema 7
31-571 Kraków,
Map and official website
Training Venue:
Krakow AVL Hall #1
Athlete Village:
University of Krakow Campus
Team Leader – Johnny Davis
Registration for tickets is now open on this page of the European Games website. The schedule including seating plans and ticket prices can be found here.
Epee – Ian Lichfield
Foil – Richard Kruse
Sabre – Jon Salfield
Team GB has informed us that there will be very limited, if any, accreditation for personal coaches. We are in ongoing discussions with Team GB in the lead-up to the European Games to identify any opportunities to secure accreditation which , if at all possible , are most likely to be in the form of “P” passes which will be Training Access Only Passes .
The Senior Nomination Policy can be found here. Athletes that accept their nomination will be put forward to the British Olympic Association (BOA) for selection. Please note that accepting selection will mean accepting the TeamGB terms and conditions associated with Olympic selection – this will cover everything including the dates of arrival and departure, accommodation, clothing regulations and team discipline.
Athletes will be provided with both TeamGB kit, to be worn in accordance with TeamGB policy, and specified fencing equipment.
Details of the Kitting Out process will be communicated in advance of the competition. Athletes will not be expected to attend in person.
Athlete Costs: There will be an athlete charge of £500 levied by the British Olympic Association. This will cover all costs associated with the event.
The travel schedule will be co-ordinated directly with TeamGB.
Travel dates will be set by TeamGB and will provisionally be based around arriving in the Athlete Village two days before competing and leaving within two days of athletes finishing competition.
Tickets will be issued in the form of E tickets when we receive them.
We are awaiting details on the provision of armoury services or a retailer at the competition. As we will not have an armourer travelling with the squad, athletes will be expected to have all of their fencing equipment prepared to meet the requirements for senior FIE international competition in order to pass the equipment check at the European Games. If any of the travelling squad require support to ensure the standard of their equipment, we are exploring the possibility of providing this service at the senior April nationals.
It is your responsibility to ensure your kit has the correct logos/patches and your equipment meets FIE standards.
A summary of the latest rule changes can be found here.
All athletes will be operating under TeamGB policy. No personal sponsorship patches or branding will be able to be worn for the period of the European Games. We will share the link to the full policy on this page in due course.
Please note that under the terms and conditions of accepting TeamGB selection, all athletes should not have any sponsor logos visible on their fencing kit.
Please note that NO logos of any description, other than the GBR national logo, should be on the breeches – the FIE rules changed in September 2019.
Athletes and staff will be required to provide information to TeamGB. More information will follow nearer the time.
All Sport Science and Medicine Support will be provided by TeamGB.
There will be testing at the event. Athletes and coaches should have completed the relevant education and training on anti-doping.
Athletes are solely responsible for any banned substance they use, attempt to use, or that is found in their system, regardless of how it got there and whether or not they had an intention to cheat. Athletes must
Parents are expected to support our efforts to keep our sport clean. We strongly advise that parents involved in supporting athletes as they prepare for events undergo the Coach Clean course. All other parents are expected to support efforts to keep sport clean and read the UKAD Parents Guide.
More information here.
By accepting nomination/selection to represent GBR you have already agreed to the British Fencing Codes of Conduct. Please act responsibly and sensibly and understand that we are one collective team and respect and support for your fellow team members is expected and reasonable.
Every team member is expected to behave in a way that recognises the responsibilities that being selected for TeamGB brings. Funding from TeamGB to compete at the European Games is a privilege and we owe it to everyone that contributes to our participation to act as professionals and role models for our sport.