The nomination status of upcoming cadet and junior sabre competitions held in Germany- Eislingen for cadets and Nuremburg for juniors, will be changed to non-nominated.
In line with BF’s stated approach for confirming nomination status of events, and upon monitoring the current entry requirements for Germany, BF has taken the decision to change the nomination status for the above events. Current restrictions require anyone entering Germany to be double vaccinated, in order to enter the country without having to quarantine. This means that a number of eligible athletes would be prevented from attending these events.
As per the international travel notice we have reviewed these events 4 weeks out. Following the release of the Eislingen invitation, there have been no special exemptions provided to be able to attend and compete at the event.
As the entry requirements for these events restrict and potentially prejudice the number of athletes that would be able to attend without the ability to quarantine, BF has chosen to reclassify the following events as non-nominated.
Athletes able to enter Germany are welcome to still attend these events to gain experience but they will not be eligible for BF Ranking points. For information on how to enter non-nominated events please click here.
Similar reviews are likely to be conducted throughout the season and BF reserves the right to change the nomination status of the events before the event takes place. Athletes of all ages should make themselves aware of the current requirements to enter each of the countries they may be invited to compete in.
Invitations to athletes to compete at the above events, will not be carried/transferred over to the next nominated competition. To view the calendar and see when the next nominated competitions are please click here.
For those that have entered Eislingen, your entry will be cancelled and you will be refunded the costs. Should you wish to enter the event as a non-nominated please follow the above process.
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