This is the first time our blended learning format will be offered to the wider BF community.
Within the next week, BF will publish the booking form to Online ITCF Swindon, scheduled for the 18th of February 2023.
Online ITCF is a course in a blended learning format, consisting of an online learning element and a face-to-face session. This model has been tested in the last two University Fencing Officer events and now will be offered to the wider BF community.
Other Online ITCF courses in other locations are being planned for February and March and will be announced in the upcoming weeks.
More details about the course will be available soon, including a community discussion online event where members will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the Development team.
Online ITCF is one of several online learning opportunities BF has been developing for its members and anyone interested in the fencing world over the last couple of years. Available on BF LearningZone, the current online learning offers include the Online Renewal SPC course, the Explore Fencing CPD course aimed at teachers, resources for the Athlete Development Programme, and more.
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