To avoid distress, we accept obituary submissions from individuals who have been given permission to do so by the family of the deceased. We only accept one submission, so please seek permission and approval of your text from the family before submitting to BF.
Obituary submission requirements:
Maximum of 750 and two photographs, one of which should be a clear headshot
Maximum of 850 words and one clear headshot.
Dates of birth to death (where available)
Confirmation of approval to submit from the family of the deceased (please confirm you have been allowed to submit the approved text and images)
Due to space constraints in The Sword magazine, a maximum of three obituaries will be published in each issue. The word count and image restrictions above ensure that each obituary does not exceed one page of the magazine, allowing fair coverage for everyone.
Should a submission exceed the word count it will be edited for the magazine. Full versions may still be posted on the British Fencing website.
Please do not submit more than two photographs.
In exceptional circumstances where a longer obituary is appropriate (for example, a former BF President or a retired athlete with a significant international record), please submit a written request to British Fencing for consideration of a longer obituary.
All submissions must be made before the content deadline which is published in the previous issue of the magazine.
All decisions will be made by the editorial team.
All submissions made for the magazine may be published (in full or edited) on the British Fencing website.
We seek final approval from the family before the publication of any obituary in The Sword and on the BF website. This will be done via the person who originally submits the obituary.
To submit an obituary please email: [email protected]
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