Riga November 2018 – Nominated Team, Nominated Individual
Selected Squad (competing in individual)
James Russell – Accepted
George Morris – Accepted
Billy Shepherd – Accepted
Josh Wilcox – Accepted
Ben Andrews – Accepted
Antoine Belot – Accepted
Jack Bell – Accepted
Douglas Boyle – Accepted
Aurelian Degorce – Accepted
updated 11.10.2018 to include three additional athletes:
Will East – Accepted
Max Lee – Accepted
Harry Palmer – Accepted
James Russell – Accepted
George Morris – Accepted
Josh Wilcox – Accepted
Ben Andrews – Accepted
Team Manager: Ian Lichfield
Coach: Olga Campofreda
Accredited Personal Coaches: Tomas Kovacs
Referee: Daniel Hazelwood
Next Steps (Nominated Team and Nominated Individual JWCs)
Fencers must confirm selection by following the instructions in the selection email including making any payment due. Athletes who have not made payments will not be confirmed. Any athlete that clicks to accept a place and subsequently fails to make a payment by the due date may be charged an administration fee. More information can be found here.
Information about flight options will be contained in the selection email. For athletes choosing to independently travel, flights must be booked within 1 week of accepting places and the details sent to the TM.
Please note that the TM is not responsible for the welfare of any athlete that chooses to travel on a different flight until they arrive at the hotel at which point the TM will take over welfare responsibilities until the agree exit point (hotel or venue).
Queries about selection?
If you have any queries regarding how selection is made please ensure you have carefully read the selection policy that can be found here. This policy will also help you understand who you need to contact in the event you think there has been an error in rankings or applying the policy.
If you have any queries regarding why you have not been selected for the team event you should speak to the ADP Lead Coach in your weapon. Please ensure that you have your Athlete Development Profile available and shared with the ADP Lead Coach in advance for the purposes of that discussion. To book a discussion with an ADP Coach please email your Athlete Development Profile along with details regarding the specific selection you with to discuss to [email protected].
Personal Coaches
If you wish to apply to attend in the capacity of a personal coach you must register in advance with BF. For more information please read this.