Starter Membership

Updated 21.01.2025


For newcomers to the sport, irrespective of whether they ultimately intend to compete or simply just enjoy a recreational form of fencing.


(3rd Party Liability & Personal Accident)

For full information click here


For the current membership prices click here.

Membership Benefits

Fence at any Club or School session, friendly inter Club, School matches held in member Clubs or Schools, at demonstrations or public displays or similar promotional events.

Not covered to fence abroad

Events included

BF & HC Nominated Recreational Events. Subject to age restrictions and any restrictions imposed by the event organiser.

All plastic events including competitions

Maximum Renewal Availability

Plastic = unlimited, Metal = U18 2 years (one renewal), 18+ 1 year (no renewal)

The Sword

Online only

Upgrade/Downgrade Options

Upgrade to Recreational or Compete
No downgrade options available

Voting Rights

18+ only: Notices of general meetings, right to vote at BF General Meetings and right to vote in ballots for election of BF Directors.

Terms and Conditions

Privacy Notices

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Free Intro Membership

Activate your free, 90 day membership to British Fencing today. Membership insures you to fence at any British Fencing club.


Core Coach Offer

Does your organisation want to bring fencing to your community? Explore our core coach course, no experience required.


Calling All Teachers

Start your journey to becoming a community fencing coach. Introduce fencing to pupils for as little as £25. Find out more today.

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