Rome may not have been built in a day, but Peter Rome certainly didn’t waste any time constructing a formidable team when he was appointed Great Britain’s Lead Coach six months before the 2016 Rio Paralympics.
A silver medal for one of the two self-funded athletes who qualified signalled the start of a successful era, with Peter instrumental in securing UK Sport funding and building a team that is now a major force on the world stage – having won 20 international medals or more in each of the last two years.
Peter sets high standards but has the total respect and buy-in of his athletes by remaining calm under pressure, patient and clear in his messaging, and always leading by example with his own behaviour.
His attitude and manner towards all his fencers and fellow coaching staff is positive, supportive and encouraging. He listens to the ideas and opinions of everyone in equal measure and spends as much time with the newest fencer as the most experienced.
Peter says, “I’m truly honoured to receive this award. It means such a great deal to me considering the years I’ve dedicated to this sport and to wheelchair fencing in particular. It fills me with pride to see the sport come so far over the last few years and for me and the great team we have to be recognised on this national stage. I hope I can continue to be a coach and ambassador of the sport that helps to elevate and enrich fencing for many years to come.”