Keep up to date with FIE Rule Changes with our interactive ‘FIE International Fencing Rules App’ for Mobile and Tablet – currently down for upgrade and maintenance – further information can be found here – April 2023
Once you have downloaded the app you will never have to worry about whether you have the latest version of the FIE rules to hand.
BF will prioritise keeping the rules on the app up to date in order that you can in turn be kept up to date with the latest international rule changes from the FIE.
When an update is published all you need to do is click on the red exclamation mark that will appear on the app main screen on the Download Rulebooks icon to download the latest files.
The app (for mobile and tablets) includes the following features:
To download the app please click the store of your choice below and don’t forget to share your feedback.
Your feedback will be used to update the app and we hope you find the app useful. BF will review the app quarterly and following any international rule changes.